This is the purpose of math and modeling - we can predict with a high decree of precision and accuracy the results and consequences in advance, and as such determine if they’re worth implementing to the extent of field testing and deployment. Engineers won’t even build a model of an aircraft for a wind chamber, let alone a real thing for field testing, if the computer modeling or even chalkboard looks like garbage.
This is a false dichotomy. It’s a broad-stroked, narrow-minded, self-serving statement along the lines of “if you’re not for us, you’re against us”, or “if you don’t support this military spending bill, you’re unpatriotic” or “if you don’t pledge allegiance to the flag, you hate America”, etc.
- You expect me to doxx myself? Really?
- I only point it out as something that amused me
. There is nothing to debate here.
- Credentials are not the same thing as qualifications and vice versa. They correlate, and often times credentials are used to suggest qualifications, but the absence of credentials does not indicate the absence (or presence) of qualifications
Just you. I can’t remember the last time @Mkikaden_Tiragen and I ever disagreed on anything, except she doesn’t bear fangs as much as I do.
Come on, man… we don’t need to discuss these things here… this is so distasteful…
I have already stated this is not my intention. Calling you out for initially being a jackass on purpose is not antagonistic, and taking a thumbtack and poking holes at a balloon to let the air out is not antagonism, it’s peer review.
You are myopic in a great many respects, not just with regards to your ideas, but in your world view. Not an insult, just something you should consider the possibility that it might be true, because if I am in fact correct, you have the opportunity to improve yourself.
“You didn’t support my idea, therefore I will embarrass you under the guise of challenging your qualifications in an alt-centric game”
You can’t accuse others of making personal attacks and do the same. Make an attempt to de-escalate.