Shooting player’s spaceships in EvE is not toxic behavior

cool, put the sock puppet back in the drawer

Doesn’t he have to wash it first thou

I think you just don’t understand the context of the discussion :sweat_smile:

The ol’ “indignant tirade” tactic didn’t work, so it’s onto the tried and true “I don’t know what your talking about” motif.

See how long that lasts for.

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How do you make an alt not look like an actual player?

To be honest , at first, I thought you were a bot designed to annoy me, but then I realised that nobody would make a bot with ginger hair, sunglasses and a slapme face.

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Hang on while I make a worthwhile addition to this thread…

*In the year 2525 if man is still alive
If woman can survive they may find

In the year 3535 ain’t gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do or say is in the pill you took today
In the year 4545 ain’t gonna need your teeth, won’t need your eyes
You won’t find a thing to do, nobody’s gonna look at you
In the year 5555 your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs not nothing to do, some machine is doing that for you
In the year 6565 ain’t gonna need no husband, won’t need no wife
You’ll pick your son, pick your daughter too from the bottom of a long black tube
In the year 7510 if God’s a-coming he ought to make it by then
Maybe he’ll look around himself and say, guess it’s time for the Judgement day
In the year 8510 God’s gonna shake his mighty head
He’ll either say I’m pleased where man has been or tear it down and start again
In the year 9595 I’m kinda wondering if man’s gonna be alive
He’s taken everything this old earth can give and he ain’t put back nothing

Now it’s been 10,000 years, man has cried a billion tears
For what he never knew, now man’s reign is through
But through the eternal night the twinkling of starlight
So very far away, maybe it’s only yesterday*

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Like to live in the past huh?

The current year is 23341 C.E.

Very good, the question is though…can @Lucas_Kell sing?

Thats the same year.

ROFL. Its ok bro. Everyone can see it :smiley:

Yep. That’s why I love when he snitches on himself :smiley:

You realize Google exists right?

Man. Can’t giggle. Super paranoid. Oof. Your life gets sadder all the time bruv ROFL.

So you again admit gankers aren’t a problem. Oh? Maybe you should share that fleet fit with the nubs huh? Then they wouldn’t have to worry. Or yennoe, the fast travel ship fit. Or the guide. Or yennoe, maybe you can show us on the EVE box where it says being AFK is a core tenet of their game.


Yeh okie there Rroff :smiley:

Man. You are just a sad creepy lonely dude huh? I feel for you bruv.

I mean you just admitted you were thinking about making a secret alt and then stalking her further. Super creepy :smiley:

You realize when you try this tack, it makes you look as daft as a can of quafe right?

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My brother in Quafe Jebus, its what you literally said. You realize people can read right? You literally threatened her with it :smiley:

Then Brother Axl pointed out your lying ways when it came to alts.

You see Grampy Kells Rroff, you think it is us coming after you, when in reality you simply expose yourself over time.

I’m sure you’ll eventually cycle this alt out too, out of embarrassment and then come back with another again.

Also did you happen to find on the EVE box where it says being AFK is a core tenet of playing their vidya game or

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CCP will not change the game because that would mean actual coding of the original codes that they do not understand. I agree with you that PVP is the main driver of this game. In this sand box the only way that things will be fixed is by the player base. But as its been said over and over here in the forums getting the high sec players to unify is like herding cats. The only way to fix this game in my opinion as far as high sec is concerned is to Embrace Ganking and turn high sec into a killing field. This would choke out Jita and Perimeter, drastically effecting the economy and force all Eve players to adapt or leave. CCP did nothing really for two years and now they have had their third strike and the player base are saying good bye. The first strike was introducing paying to win, The second strike was interference with the sand box run economy in various ways and the final strike was the increase in monthly fees basically putting the real multi toon play of many players financially out of reach. Lets not even talk about bringing real world politics into the game and basically labeling a portion of the player base as real world murders, which is real world and of which they have no control over. Very sad indeed. If the game is to be saved then it will have to be left up to the player base to initiate it. Ganking and PVP are part of the game and should be embraced no matter how many people come into the game find its to hard and leave or get excited and face the challenge. Personally, I got a kick out of dodging high sec gankers. But in the back of my mind I think that this game is a drug that is very addictive and the managers of this game look at us all as just junkies that will pay what ever price they demand with out producing a better product that give more endorphins to the addict. I hope the game can be saved but don’t count on CCP to do it, it will have to be done by the Player Base, because this is our sand box, they are just the pimps that took over from the original Master Minds who originally developed this drug of choice. Peace and keep Ganking, its the only way to save the game.

Embrace Ganking. Embrace the high sec form of PVP, turn high sec into a killing field where nothing is harvested, nothing is moved for commerce, choke out Jita and Perimeter, thus ganking the markets . Embrace the Gank, this is our sand box, the only way for change to happen is through the player base. Not CCP or the GMs but us, we are the sand box.

Ashes of the Holy Roid
Do you have your pair

No, ban all gankers.

If players are going to be banned for playing within the rules, then just ban everyone.

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For the love of EVE and everything unholy


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Oh? Is it so far fetched to believe my bro? You literally made an alpha account to grief her in game.

You already admitted to being unable to feel true joy too.

Its a sad day for you bruv :smiley:

Heh. My guy. You know people can read right?

You also should know you shot your own credibility to hell, and you got no one to blame but yourself.

Literally no one believes anything you say. They’ve seen you lie time and time again.

And as time goes on, you keep on exposing just how creepy you are bruv :frowning:

Can’t giggle. Stalks people in game. Comes up with ideas on how to stalk them more. Not to mention targeting women. Its creepy bro.

I feel for you bro. I hope one day you can muster up the willpower to quit EVE, instead of praying to daddy CCP to save you.

Also did you find it on the box yet? I mean I’m sure CCP would want to promote a core tenet of their game right? And according to you, being AFK is a core tenet of playing EVE right?