Shooting player’s spaceships in EvE is not toxic behavior

Oh…you’re leaving ?

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Your behavior reminds me of the dog in the street that used to chase every passing car, until one day it caught one.

You caught the attention alright…

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So you’re a masochist. Got it.

You got an F1 monkey ?

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Lol ! Thus speaks the person who is ready and waiting 24 hours a day to immediately respond within milliseconds because someone disagreed with them.

The rest of us at least eat, sleep, and take the dog for a walk.

Feed, sleep and eat the dog.

Huh. It’s almost like its a sand box and I can do what I want. Weird huh :smiley:

Also did you find it on the box or

What is rational to you btw? You use this word a lot.

My guy, you’re displayed yourself to be a known liar, griefer and botter ROFL.

You literally are the one telling on yourself.

ROFL. You’re the only one that gets emotional and flings personal insults bruv :smiley:

And then goes back and deletes them :smiley:

ROFL. You know we all can read right? The most hilarious is when you got emotional and went after an ISD LOL.

Oh I know he needs the attention. As such, our posting is actually charity as we’re helping a guy in need :smiley:

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Someone who feels the need to be on every waking hour responding within seconds like some obsessive loon to every single opposing view that anyone makes…is precisely the person seeking to silence all opposing views.

Hmm…do we know anyone like that ? I think we do,

First off… you’re wrong about me. Not that I expect you to believe it, but this isn’t an alt. This is not just my only account on these forums, but the only account I’ve used on any EVE-related forum not connected to DUST 514. This forum name shares a name with my only character currently present in New Eden. The last name matches one of my old DUST 514 characters, of which I had 3, and that name has shown up in the discussion forums for DUST 514 in the past, and I think I might have made a post or two about Project Nova when that was being worked on.

That said, thank you for the compliment on my research skills. I frequently do a lot of digging into games before I start playing, and it’s nice to see that effort recognised. Even if you’re trying to use it as proof of me being someone’s alt, I’m grateful for the acknowledgement that I know more than a new player should be able to figure out about the game.

Also, I spent several hours roaming around in hisec systems near Jita (but not Jita itself, and not just in the direction of new player systems this time) in a corvette named “plz no kill m only 5” (it was right after reset so my character was 5 days old, instead of 4 like I said in a previous post). I passed through a couple of lowsec systems as well, but ran into NPC pirates instead of players, so I just ambled about a bit before heading back to a hisec system to dock up. I’ll be heading out in the same ship again later today, and trying to make a journey to one of the other empires’ territory (I started in Caldari space) throgh lowsec and maybe make it to some null systems along the way. I’m going to be actively avoiding any Triglavian space I come across, but my plan is to try and mine some ore in low or nullsec space (not much, I’m in a corvette, but I have double-fitted cargo extenders) and see what happens. I’m expecting this journey to end in death, but from the few mining stops I’ve made so far, I’ve made back the cost of my fitting (by which I mean 2 cargo extenders because everything else is corvette parts). My expectation is that when my hold is full of actually-worth-something ores, I’ll be getting murdered pretty fast. But we’ll see how it goes…

Also my skills are going nicely in the background while I do this, and my home system is a career agent system where I’ve only done 2/5 career agent mission lines. So when I die, I’ll just go back to what I was planning before these conversations inspired my crazy idea. Thanks for that, by the way! :smile:

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But it is. The sheer number of times I see you typing a response quite literally within seconds of anyone posting anything. I’m far from being the only person to have noticed that obsessive behaviour.

You clearly cannot actually be playing Eve if you are spending all day sitting here desperately waiting to insta-response every single post.

Oh, wait, I forgot…you admitted you are AFK most of the time in Eve. Sheesh…what’s the point of even playing ?

You claim to care so much about noobs. Just what kind of an advert are you for the game ? ’ Come and play Eve…and spend 99% of your time like Lucas…not even there at all ’

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Hard to play and drive his truck at the same time

Oh God yes…I mean don’t strain a muscle clicking ‘autopilot’ for those haulers.


Baby Quafe Jebus. It’s hilarious to me how your hate blinds you and you’re actually now griefing the nubs ROFL.

This dude is a literal nub, and you’re basically trynna shun him from the game ROFL. But its the gankers right?

He claims its a core tenet. He still hasn’t shown me where it says it on the box tho :smiley:

You realize you’ve made the exact same comment right?


Sure buddy :smiley:

Oh? You got any proof he isn’t?

Maybe stored with your guide? :smiley:

That’s an opinion bruv, not fact :smiley:

The fact is, he says he’s a nub and we have no reason to not believe him.

What’s so funny is you could have used him as an opportunity to actually show you cared about nubs.

Instead you just exposed yourself more.

It’s hilarious :smiley:

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I’ve played games that I’ve had significant exposure to before actually playing for the first time, by watching friends play or listening to them talking about them, watching my favorite streamers play, reading guides and watching tutorials, etc., to the extent that the first time I played, I was already proficient enough to do so at a considerably higher level than the average new player. Especially common for survival games, which are my favorite genre.

The fact that he thinks it’s impossible for someone to become fairly knowledgeable about a game without starting from absolute zero and working their way up for years screams elitism founded upon a myopic dependence on age as validation of skill, in the absence of genuine personal accomplishment.

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Not really. The game is almost 20 years old. The nubs aren’t helpless children playing their first vidya game LOL.

I bet you spit on real nubs in game all the time, cept I feel you never talk to real nubs anyways LOL.

Yennoe, I noticed boomers tend to believe its so hard to find info the internet and it baffles me.

EVE has a plethora of guides out there.

Reminds me I gotta make the nub holocron :smiley: