Should life be harder for gankers?

OP just look at EVE history, if you can organize carebears to keep a widespread constant pressure on CCP to further limit ganking, based on past evidence it will work, just have to involve as many as possible and constantly lobby for reduction of ganking.

CCP time to time gives in to such pressure and it never stops, as long as the pressure is there. Just keep up and ganking will be nerfed yet again and some more.

Hey if you do a good enough job in the end they might really consider removing it altogether or simply bringing it down so much that barely anyone will partake in it in the end.

So it’s really all on you and the rest of the like minded people and it requires not much effort either, just keep expressing your position as often as you can on as many platforms as possible.

Just as in the past CCP will give in eventually, again and again and there’s nothing the gankers can do about it. :wink: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


Ah…but…the consequences…

  1. With no ganking in highsec, everyone will get their stuff to market. Thus there will be more stuff, and prices will inevitably fall.

  2. Because less ships will be destroyed, there will also be less demand for stuff. Combine this with the backlog of unsold stuff from (1) and prices will fall even further…because everyone will be desperate to sell to anyone just to make some ISK before the surplus grows even more.

  3. Highsec miners will end up making so little that it will simply not be worth mining rather than ratting or some other PvE.

  4. The point is surely that a predator/prey environment is necessary in Eve. Too many widebeest…and most of them end up dying of starvation rather than eaten by lions. And Eve is no different. Eliminate the lions, and miners simply ‘starve’ from low prices instead. Thus removing ganking simply switches cause of death from one thing to another.

They don’t care about these even if they realize it. Just like how the ore they mine is free. :wink: So if their quest is to get rid of the gankers and ganking that’s a meta goal they might pursue no matter what.

Besides they might prefer to “fight” over yields and accept the reduced profits if they can AFK mine in peace so in the end they might still prefer to reduce ganking as much as possible. And how much it can be reduced only depends on how much CCP is willing to give in to carebear demands and apparently doesn’t seem gankers had much if any say about it in the past seeing all the disappointment they’ve expressed over the past nerfs.

So it really only depends on how persistent the miners can be. They might win the long term meta in the end if they are persistent enough.

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The average computer video game spaceships enjoyer doesn’t possess the requisite degree of autism needed to care about/be aware of such considerations. Dave from Accounts Receivable plays for an hour or two every night between the kids being put to sleep and watching The Tonight Show (with Jimmy Fallon) in bed with his wife, if there are no other chores to finish that evening. He saw an EVE advertisement on his iPhone while playing mobile games on his commute to work (yes, they advertise there, heavily) and decided to download and give it a try because “mining for asteroids is so cool, dude!”


I dont think it will hurt if prices on stuff come down. And if mining in high sec becomes worth less, that is just an incentive to mine in riskier places? So now we are talking about something that makes more sense

There seems to be enough PVP going on for EVE to have a “war economy”. Ganking doesent have to exist on this basis imo.

But even if ganking gets fixed there is still a myriad of other things that need to be improved for the game to truly shine! For example FW SUCKS and that is probably a contributing factor to why ganking is such a big thing. People are bored with the actual PVP incentives and activities? So that needs to be looked at as well

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I’m still recovering from reading the sheer number of speedrunning brags on Transmissions : Element 120 ( an extension of Half Life ). I don’t believe someone completed in in one hour…but even if they did they’ve actually missed most of the fun. It reminds me of all those ‘I make 100m ISK an hour mining’ brags in Eve. Unless they are actually DOING something with their now 277bn ISK mining fortune…what a waste of time all that time staring at a mining laser was.

Asking for something to be ‘fixed’ assumes it is actually a problem in the first place. And it being so is purely your opinion. And based on what ? I see no evidence that your char has ever been ganked. So why do you even care ?

In fact the absence of having been ganked is consistent amongst most of the anti-gank crowd here. Which is truly bizarre…as is the persistent need to post on endless alts whilst the gankers and their supporters just post on their main.

All these alts are merely an attempt to make there appear to be more of an ‘issue’ than there actually is.

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Any speedrunner who has dignity already completed and enjoyed the game, then replayed it hundreds of times in total to come up with and perfect the related strategies then another dozens times at least to actually achieve a good enough run that they are satisfied with.

Speedrunning is never meant to be a replacement of playing the game, it is an alternate way of enjoying a game on top of completing it in the regular manner.

Well its odd how many of the speedrunning videos are quite definitely…erm…speeded up ! Not that anyone ever cheats at bragging rights, of course.

Not sure which videos and by whom you talk about. I’m not into watching speedrunning on a regular basis but there are some fun ones for sure I’ve watched in the past like Half-Life and such, games that have a good chunk of opportunities for speedrunning.

The videos I’ve watched seemed legit and were not speed up, I know because I’ve completed them many times myself and also played in multiplayer extensively so would recognize if they were faster than normal.

So legit runs exists for sure. There are bad apples everywhere no matter the subject. But hopefully in general it is not the norm what you describe instead of the exception. How much that is the case I have no personal experience with.

How would you know that „FW SUCKS“?

Because I tried and failed so I just decided that I don’t know!

actually false…a safe HS would be incentive for more to mine in HS in perfect safety

And in six months we’ll have endless “waaaaah, price of trit is so low it’s not worth mining” threads …


Yet another useless thread. I thought they hired a new gal to clean up this forum.
Suggestion for new gal: if in doubt, close, delist delete.
How many alts does it take to discuss ganking? One for the op and several for the likes.

Not “life being harder” but rather penalty for commiting crimes should be harsher.
Punishment fits the crime.
More security standing loss = more money to recover. Let them feel the economical consequences.


Life’s already hard on them they’re so bored and have so little to do they blow up people that can’t fight back in an MMORPG. It’s like going to school and punching the crippled kid.


Lots of disrespect towards miners and haulers and PVE mission runners and null sec alts there.

The measure of hardiness is how likely the new players will join EVE game.
There are lot of comments on Steam and Forum on too “loose” responsibility for criminal deeds - doesn’t hurt to tighten the bandits up a bit, IMHO.

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The sheer number of gankers and their alts commenting on here talking about “how good ganking is” when clearly they have no clue how the game works. “oh It’ll lower the price of everything because the game wont be dangerous anymore, waa waa” you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

Firstly, the price of everything needs to come down because everything has sky rocketed in price over the last 10 years at an unsteady rate. Makes the current American inflation of the housing market look like a joke.

Secondly, The game will always be dangerous for the people actually wanting danger. This game has so many ways to die its honestly a petty claim that ganking would some how make the game a safe haven for everyone. Wars, FW, Low sec/Null sec and that’s just pvp, this doesn’t even include the pve ways to die.

This game doesn’t need baby seal clubbing to make it dangerous. Honestly anyone who enjoys ganking probably needs to see a therapist because they get off on harming random innocent defenseless people. Ganking is predatory and has no place in this game. The people who are arguing to keep it are only doing so for the sake of them enjoying clubbing baby seals.