Should the Game consider Tourists?

I didn’t say nor suggest you were. But what would be “cheating” is a “tourist” taking part in the economic life in the game, via any of the possibilities we call isk faucets and any trading/manufacturing. Tourists should never be more than “observers”.

What you did suggest however is pvp immunity while still being able to partake in pve/trade/isk generating activities as long as the tourist doesn’t use weapons against another player. Well, that’s easy enough, don’t fit any on your ship and you won’t be tempted to make a mistake, right ? The eternal tourist would be an economic force outside of the normal balance. That’s the major flaw in your suggestions, and one part of my objection.

A second part is that alpha status is an established way to sample the game. Even EvE Echoes could be considered a modernized way of trying out EvE. And there is the test server, but that is a lonely place, and not everything may be as functional as you would want it to be at times. Oh, and if it’s for observing purposes, there’s plenty of videos on YT and streamers on twitch.

The third part, which is admittedly hardcore, is that New Eden is a place of struggle, according to the game’s lore and obviously embedded in the game’s design. It is perhaps tourist unfriendly (maybe even newbie unfriendly because of the learning curve). Hisec space is the one place with minimal risk of getting involved in so-called “non-consensual” pvp (although all pvp clearly is consensual by the very act of logging into New Eden, it says so in fine print on the tin). Hisec is the place to sample some of the game’s richness and complexity in relative safety. Asking for more than that is opening the game for people who aren’t able to adjust to the setting, who are not accepting the all-pvp nature or all the risks it entails - the very core of the game play.

Making a game experience safer than it already is, is like pretending to swim without touching the water. One doesn’t learn how to swim by staring at the water. Moreover, judging from your description of your own play style - which is not that different from my own when I dwell in hisec space - it is very possible to stay out of pvp trouble without having to change the game at all. In fact, you can even stay out of most of pvp trouble living in nullsec space if you really want to.

What you, in fact, suggest, is a game where less knowledge is required (knowledge is survival), and that is one bridge too far :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: Added after I found your “part 2”:

Because CCP embraced the all-pvp concept from day 1. Hisec is a place of automated repercussion (concord) in case of “illegal” agression. Lowsec idem dito, but less efficient. Nullsec/W-space no rules of engagement. The repercussion exists NOT to avenge ship losses to “illegal” engagement but simply for breaking the local law by the agressor. PvP in hisec/lowsec is allowed (as if you didn’t know this already), but there is a price to pay for the agressor. That is a very different, and official, mindset from how you interpret the presence of “sectors”. In this, your view is simply wrong.

I agree that very few new players would slip into nullsec life without problems. New players aren’t expected to do that - but can try if they want. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with that approach. Neither is there anything wrong with new players not being able to run a Covert site or an Incursion. Should anyone have all the possibilities laid open to them from day 1 ? Where is the fun in that ?! Is that what you call “sampling” ?

As I see it (and thoroughly enjoy it) this is a game that allows one to build up proficiency over many years, become better and more versatile in tackling difficulties. One learns to assess risks versus one’s own abilities, learns from mistakes because they are costly affairs. If that means it will take time before a player can fully grow into taking part in the most challenging parts/sectors of the game, well, the game and sector design is there for that very reason, because it is hardcore from the risk/benefit perspective and the difficulty levels.

Now, if you were to suggest an alternative introduction to EvE Online, via an NPE that takes a new player through different settings/experiences in the game as if he/she were truly living it - e.g., via a first person view interactive video experience (like some of the things they did for EvE Valkyrie), covering anything from mining, mission running, solo pvp up to massive fights, incursions, w-space, etc etc etc - I’d cheer for you 200% :smile:

An in-game livestock that you can buy and sell even on the regional market.

I sell NPCs to wormholers who sacrifice them to Bob at their home star.

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Depending on where in space you wish to tour there are several great options for tourist ships to keep you safe from the local fauna.

Like the victoreux luxury yacht, an Interceptor (Malediction, Ares, Crow, Stiletto), an interdiction nullified hyperspatial velocity optimized T3C, etc.

The Sunisis is my personal favorite.

You mean undestructible spies that can chart and bookmark entire constellations before roams and invasions? Sure…


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