Should warpscramble stop you from entering a gate?

  • Yes!
  • No!
0 voters

Easy thread, easy question: should a warpscramble prevent afflicted targets from using Stargates?

With mobile regards
-James Fuchs

Yes, but it surely only applies anyway to capital ships.

Scram affects the ship, not the gate.

Nope. If you can’t kill them before they reach the gate, that’s on you.


You might as well have asked if you want this game to be a KB whore turkey shoot or a game of tactics and skill for the internet spaceship aficionado.

So have a close look at who voted yes and who voted no. That will tell you all you need to know about that player.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


There will be no shaming of the voters in my thread, Mr Epeen. Behavior like this is utterly insolent and exhibits a hatred for the very tenets of democracy. Therefore, I ask you to refrain from further unqualified comments. Perhaps, if you are so convinced of your opinion, you could present an argument instead.

With stern regards
-James Fuchs

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This forum is not a democracy.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Hidden, hidden, hidden… off to a great start. :fedo:


Yes! Wordrambling in local should automatically unscramble for you.

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Nah if you didn’t get em before they got to the gate then you’ve not earned it.


I think ships jumping a gate should land at 100km, instead of 0.

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I had to vote yes for such an absurdly stupid idea.

Can we stop with the low-hanging fruit already?

You can already choose that. :roll_eyes:

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I’m talking about you. :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a great battle across a few wh’s that if I had jumped to 100 on the last one, I would have got away scott free! Shame ships don’t have E-brakes as I figured out where the last ship in their fleet ship was midflight…

OP is Safety. Low-hanging fruit is the only kind he’s able to reach.