Since that idea removes tactical gameplay options and only makes it easier for the already more powerful/numerous side of an engagement to kill their targets, it’s an obvious no.
Many nice situations occur if you jump with the inferior gang into a larger gang, but force them to split-up by going back to the gate and engage on the other side whatever they send after you (because a part of them will have aggro-timer from tackling your ships). Then you have a minute to bring yourself into a good position before they can bring in their other ships.
For a short time on the test server when CCP was removing the mass reduction from a HIC field generator, a HIC bubble not only reduced the speed boost of a mwd/ab of the HIC itself, but everyone in the field. This would be preferrable to preventing one from entering a gate.
He’s right though, people voting yes think they are always going to be the people doing the pointing, not the ones being pointed.
Please no, EVE used to make every warp to a gate land at 15. There was a massive industry of Warp To Zero bookmark sellers until CCP started seeing server performance issues from the millions of bookmarks.
What do you mean? A Warp Disruption Field generator (HIC bubble) does not affect mass at all. It blows up Sig and prevents Remote Assist, but thats all.
Or it could tell you that some people know that some ships ( Capitals ) already can’t stargate jump while scrammed. So its not like there’s no precedent, or that no such thing exists in EVE.
Why not advocate for another “new” module that does what OP asks for instead of changing existing mechanics to older modules? Then present a valid argument for its usage, stats, etc. Might be better received.
The mass reduction was leveraged to get a HIC into a wormhole at the cost of a pod worth of mass ( with three field generators fit and a 100 AB/50MWD were very good hole rollers ) but the prop mod penalty stopped a ship from going 20,000 m/s from having such low mass but still the same amount of ‘push’.
When the test server released the new Zero-Point module with only the negative properties, the Warp Disruption Field Generator still worked as it did before, though the negative properties no longer impacted just the HIC, but all ships within theWarp Disruption sphere.
Instawarp ships were still instawarp, but nano kitey had a much harder time burning back to gate. Considering a HIC gets a weapons timer for its field generator where a interdictor bubble does not, it would have been a very positive buff for a ship that otherwise gets hung out to dry.
However, when the changes hit Tranquility, the AOE slowing effect of the Warp Disruption Field Generator was absent.
Awhile later, wubbles were added to the game, though with a %40 reduction and a time delay ( which should a mechanic for all interdition launcher ammo, or none )
they are kinda lame.
@James_Fuchs I hope I am pronouncing your last name correctly ( foo-KAS ) uh, what will be your next poll? Warping to gate removes all shields and reduces armor to zero? Are you really that bad at hitting stuff in this game?
To satisfy your curiousity regarding my name, the correct phonetic pronounciation apparently looks like this “fʊks” - but as an aproximation in plain english, foo-ks, foo-x would come pretty close to pronounce it correctly.
I am indeed not that bad at hitting stuff, I have a satisfactory hit rate at 0 meter range and sometimes the stuff even goes up in flames, very exciting. I don’t need these ideas, but nevertheless I want to throw them around, see where revisiting certain aspects of game mechanics leads us. Needless to say though, Miss Ivory, with your board history you are certainly no bounty hunter yourself, so let’s not get too ahead of ourselves with these shots you are taking, mhm? Haha!
If you have anything else to share in regards to the warp scrambler, perhaps a concrete reason why you want to see this change implemented, or not, please do so in this thread, I invite you wholeheartedly.