Shouldn't be able to loot / trade while in a duel

I fixed it for you.

What you consistently fail to understand is that there is no „should“ in a sandbox. Should a guy use a neutral DST to feed his dueling main cap sticks? Should you do the same? That just, like, your opinion, man.

Don’t get mad, get even.

And stop proposing ideas that remove degrees of freedom from the sandbox. Enjoy the people that share your honorable Bushido warrior dueling culture. Lambast and shame those that don’t. But don’t turn into helicopter parent telling „the dishonorable“ that their gameplay should be eliminated. That’s crying to CCP asking to LARP a baby dictator.

I’m not even gonna touch the Abyssal arena, anyone who earnestly wants it back is looking for a game that isn’t Eve Online.

And I have no idea why you’re rambling about Faction Warfare frontlines. Stay on your own topic.

Wait… So it should be illegal to have a resupply ship during a battle? Imagine if that was a thing during all the wars on this planet. Next time call a “time out” so you can go back to station and repair and re-arm.

but this is dishonerable ! we all know that fights and wars are honorable but not a duel ! ironie off

and ppl who dont understand that honor is a lost atribute in eve then they are in the wrong game !

Your mental gymnastics are 10/10

During a duel. Don’t change the argument to fit your weird argument

and whats a duel ? its a fight in highsec without concord … xD nothing else … and the best thing … you didnt even said what CCP should do … you only cry about the fact that someone killed you and since the 17th oktober youre crying in this thread that eve is unfair … well → yes its unfair and this was the game CCP has createt and not by an accident !

you need to understand that a duel offer is not a honorable 1vs1 … a duel is only the little green 5 min engagement timer … nothing more nothing less !

still a dumbass could understand this but looks like youre less then this …

The problem is that there is a mismatch between what you think that a duel is and what the game thinks that a duel is.

A duel according to the game is nothing more than a limited engagement timer, so that you can fight another player, without CONCORD killing the player who shot first. It allows you to freely fight someone in high sec if both of you accept the duel terms.

A duel according to you should be ‘fair’, ‘honorable’, include ‘no alts’ or ‘traded boosters’ all sorts of other subjective rules that aren’t specified anywhere except in your head.

Duels are simple and without game-defined rules in this sandbox. You set the rules, the game doesn’t tell you what is or isn’t possible. The only thing that the duel option does is that it allows you to freely fight someone and that CONCORD does not kill one of you if you fight in HS.



Fortunately, the definition of the word is on my side, but you leave that part out.

Justify it however you like but the term “duel” is simply incorrect. Honor, etc have nothing to do with it. 1v1 is what matters. Pretty straight forward.

Edit: and they certainly ARE defined by the game rules, lol what

Indeed duels are defined by the game rules:

Notice how that article says nothing special about looting or trading during duels, so regular EVE rules apply there.

no its not xD if you cant understand that an ingame definition can be different as a “real life definition” then you need to stop playing games !

no ints not incorrect … you are allowed to shot each other in HS without getting concordet … nobody else can be interrupt you both so its still a 1vs1 ! ye you can still looting other things … you would also be able to loot if you start a duel in a battlefield with hundrets of wrecks and you or your oponent loot the cap sticks out of this wrecks … the same part ! both are legal ! no 3rd party can do any legaly agressive action ! and looting is no agressive action xD

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