Ignore the angry loser who quit ICANP, he probably just wants to grief newbies like all the bittervets.
I find Destiny’s testimony to be compelling.
I’m the angry loser am I? Standby
Ok Sabus. Whatever you say.
10 billion ISK bet or STFU with bittervet tinfoil hats.
Sure. Show me your wallet.
Our conversation after I left and you advising me on how to get my corp going. As well as trying to get my irl friends to join your corp.
Definitely I’m an angry quitter GTFO
A bet has been offered and agreed upon. As Neeri offered the bet, she has claimed to posess evidence which will prove her case. As a neutral third-party bystander, I hereby accept the role of referee and will judge this evidence. Should Neeri fail to offer any evidence, the case will automatically be adjudged and the prize of 10,000,000,000 awarded to: Bernie Nator.
As a completely neutral third party I volunteer to hold ISK for everyone.
PS: my corp tax is 0%, so I am much less of a scammer than ICANP.
You keep posting in ICANP threads, are you angry?
I remember talking to Sabus once, and he was obsessed with smiley faces and accusing people of being angry. Hmm.
Also had a tendency to bring up the high sec lobby, spam threads about capitals in high sec…
Not angry. Shocked at your actions today. And I said so in corp today to you too lol.
And then a bunch of your top members left to join us. Am I the angry one? Nah. I got a good team of members and we all got free of your ■■■■
Guessing you are the angry one
Dont forget the previous round of directors that left as well.
You mean the 3 directors of EOIA lololol
Lol, terrible CEO can’t even recruit so he has to steal newbies from us with lies.
There’s so many ex directors, it’s hard to keep track.
I simply offered them a place that wouldn’t use them and they made the choice.
Stealing newbies is successful recruitment. Point goes to Destiny.
I don’t see any ISK in my wallet so I’m guessing nobody is taking the bet. Naari alts confirmed?