Siege Green - Structure Updates Now Avaialble for Testing

After some more brainstorming, Teddy Gbyc came up with the following (without applying the proposed changes by CCP, making different changes):

  • Add new siege module to Dreads
  • New type of gun+ammo that can only be used with this siege module
  • This gun can only shoot structures - a siege weapon (can’t track any other ships)
  • Make these guns punch through a % of the damage cap on any timer.
  • Dreads = Trebuchet in this case.

This solves nicely the issue of HS Astrahuses being destroyable by 1 person, beacuse no Dreads in HS.
It solves the original intent - make Dreads go brrr in NS and LS.
It also solves small WH groups living in C1-C4 space where Dreads can’t get to (unless built there).

But it allows for bigger C5-C6 groups to get attacked by Dreads (same as now).

It should also not be as difficult to do, compared to complete rework of structure timer mechanic like I proposed above. This should be relatively easy to do.