Since market fees are robbing us blind, how do you sell stuff?

the comment he referred to was a comment I posted to the only 2 replies to this thread, 4 days ago.

the 0.01 isk game wasn’t great but it wasn’t too bad either… At least we had opportunity to actively selling our stuff when we were at keyboard. now we gotta go with lowball estimate with no chance to adjust??? This is just plain retarded.

because prohibitive cost is what it is… having to pay 6% every time I adjust or wanna sell something is exactly that!!

Just wait until they implement the new overstock tax. Anything that doesnt sell after 48 hours gets charged an ever increasing percentage of tax based on the hours not sold since listed up to 100% of the sale price of the item when it does sell or directly back into the relist fees if relisted.

an incentive to sell fast!

stop adjusting your price then? you’re causing this problem yourself.

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well, this is exactly the issue, stupid.

You don’t deserve sympathy.

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I don’t seek sympathy here, I’d rather prefer CCP not eviscerating industry and trading with idiotic changes like this.

Whats the point? Punishing active players who were willing to spend their time on 0.01 isking, in favor of people who were crying for a change so they could sell their ■■■■ afk??? Is it removal of ISK from the economy???

Or is the genuine reason for this ruining ingame isk-making, to boost revenue and PLEX sales on behalf of CCPs new owner???
If it really was about 0.01 isking they could’ve just changed the cooldown to 1h or something like that, instead of destroying profits with ridiculous fees.

If you’re not looking for sympathy, you didn’t actually need to make a post complaining about how it’s more important to initially list according to the value of what you’re trying to sell.

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I think he just wanted to vent his emotions and feel heard.


Yeah, glad you’ve figure it out. If you stop adjusting your prices, you’ll stop eating relist fees. problem solved. like i said at the beginning, price your stuff correctly the first time and you won’t have to relist.

no actually I started this thread to actually see how people sell their stuff. because market seems to me pretty unviabe nowadays with these abhorrent fees…

People are listing high value stuff here on the forums.

It makes me laugh - Eve has two things that none of the other MMOs have: a working market and a PvP-everywhere universe. Adding a bunch of excess market fees is completely at odds with having an efficient market.

Whatever. CCP knows what the are doing, I guess.

its mostly T2 modules I used to build from T2 BPOs. Yet selling them at lowball prices defies its purpose to me, since the margins were slim even before the change…

The point of market fees was not to “have an efficient market”.

It was to remove a braindead style of gameplay where the only thing you needed to do was 0.01 isk every 5 minutes more than the other guy.


I would deem a market where you cannot adjust prices, not just inefficient but completely dysfunct.

Cool, no one cares.
Again, “efficient market” wasn’t the point of the change, so you’re not even talking about the same thing these market fees were intended to address.

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what then?? Kneecapping all at-keyboard players favoring all the afk economical aces?

Try reading?
I already answered it above.

its a market, man, you put up stuff for sale there. It is braindead per concept. Nobody wants it to be anything other than that, just a place for SELLING STUFF!!

And yet here you are whining about it for some reason.