Singularity Accessibility Update

Seems they just pick away, and well, no events, changes are lame so not sure why the devs exist.

Test server had accelerated training and everything available when I first started playing, and you could test anything with a few days training, hours for most things.

No new events, telling you your getting a month subscription for $20 but umm no it’s 30 days.

Probably saves some money. Just another lie comes to light.

You might want to take a walk back to year 2016. CCP Seagull did this in 2016 and after the shutdown we never had enough people to form a decent fleet. Half of the time we were just waiting for more people to login. It was a skellen crew and no meaningful testing could be performed. So good luck with that noise.

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Its a shoot in your feet. Test server its a perfect tool for teach new players stuff and check mechanics, also for create social media content, specially for youtube.

I really boring about EVE have tons of problems, its an umplayable game only playable thanks to the community, doing for free bug hunting, moderation, tools, websites… and the only thing youre doing the last year its close tons of websites or tools for give us no sense stuff just like close SISI or excell support.


I think this is a bad choice, without Singularity being open 23/7 you will get less bug reports and no one will want to spend 100 billion isk to find out T2 ship A when mixed with microwarpdrive B and booster ships C and D can escape CONCORD in a 1.0 system after CONCORD was on grid. Or that when moving 10 billion worth of some ore to some cargo hold some value overflows letting you store more than the cargo capacity of the ship. Any bugs that require expensive stuff to find wont be found anymore as no one will be able to test that stuff without pissing away isk id no bug is found.

Meanwhile, everyone who plays on TQ knows evading CONCORD is an exploit and a bannable offense.

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that’s bovine excrement. Sisi was online, but just refusing “ordinary players” logging in, while TQ was offline yesterday. So, just because you and i don’t play (and test stuff) on it right now doesn’t mean it’s not maintained.

The test server already ran with the most minimum of bare resources. This makes no logical sense unless they were having issues with 3rd party AI bot development occurring. And that would be a good reason to shut it down. If you can’t even be bothered to bounce a test server for your players daily then we all should prepare for near future sad announcements. “incentivized participation”? You know the player base isn’t going to go for that read the room you just had to change your booster pack because of the outrage.

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Theory… We are getting Jove space access soon, is a fair prediction with the new Jove gates decloaking. CCP used Jove space for internal testing correct? Maybe CCP needs Singularity for internal testing or they need to use Singularity to help with load control when everybody starts sprinting for Jove space. This is 230 additional systems that will need additional support and resources. Other wise this decision serves to just upset a percentage of players. Really bad Idea considering Pearl Abyss loss reports for this franchise.

That make sense. Jove theme update is what they were doing for past few months. Probably the most reasonable theory in the thread.

But I guess they won’t open 230 systems for us if this number is just the sum of systems in A821-A J7HZ-F UUA-F4. And UUA-FA is not a part of Joven space as it disconnected from Jove regions before Caroline’s star event bringing stargates there down, and it holds AT battlegrounds and Polaris.

I’m sorry, but they charge you for a “Month” subscription and when you put in a ticket because you didn’t get a month, they send you to a link that says month = 30 days.
How is swindling your customers respect?

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Yea, simple, don’t participate in mass testing.

This is a joke everyone I know used the test server daily and this news is going under the radar. Most of our group around 300 dudes last night sat around screaming how stupid CCP is being with all the changes in the past year and and a bit but with the test server offline changes are now untestable and most groups are dropping lancers and other things of that nature because the testing side of the challenges put before us as players are now a guessing game.

To from what I have heard and listened to over the past few months CCP is running down a cave hole idea and are blocking out everyone around them for there own goals and have forgotten about all of us on so many things. It seems as thou there is a focus to make the game smaller any way possible and every possible obstacle to make things not work is the main focus. Release the test server and release the cap production to grow again not restrict and constrain the member base. Continue to go down a bad path and watch eve shrink to nothing it’s up too you GM’s to make a good difference and at this point its not helping.


And what did those people actually use the test server for? :stuck_out_tongue:

So, you were using it for risk free testing, now you just have to test these things live like normal players

Inconsequential play is effectively god mode which is effectively cheating.


As a new player to eve this sucks, I won’t be able to test ships that cost more than my net worth and see if its worth buying. Also its harder to come up with fits because I won’t be able to actually test it out because I dont want to put ALL of my money in 1 ship then get it blown up because I put in a bad shield booster. I think if you want people to test your new updates make it to where you get prizes FOR THAT only and not for people that play test server just to have fun. Or make a server just for sandbox so people can test builds or practice on how to do things, like for me I would love to practice pvp without losing all of my isk when I spent like 2 days getting. Thats what I think about this as a new player to Eve.

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Right, but thats what makes EVE what it is, loss matters and should always matter, that is just part of the learning experience

yeau yeau close test sever , let’s keep make the game worst.
CCP: we don’t need any new player LOL, our game is best .

Do you even want to play the game?

Some advice from the Newbie section:

Learn like everyone else: live, on TQ. Learn how to learn effectively. It’ll make you a better pilot.


The test server wasn’t a new player tool anyway, the actual people upset about this are people who already know how to play the game but don’t want to spend money actually improving


most games make you ‘unlock’ higher content by way of completing levels/missions etc. even early Atari games did this.

What these jokers are doing is effectively playing the game on the test server because it’s basically ‘Creative’ mode.

That’s not even the worst part; they actually feel entitled to do so.
