Singularity Accessibility Update

Why should it cause any embarrassment to anyone, what does it matter if you lose a ship? If it takes a month to replace then maybe you need to evaluate if the risk is worth the reward.

The new escalations that were released last week need caps to be done, which cost more than a marauder, no-one was able to test them on Sisi first, so guess what…

They tried them on the actual server.

Alas, I sympathize with everyone who is left in this misunderstanding)) it must be fun to play when your main enemy is not an NPC or a player but a developer)) I wish you good luck)

Your correct that people in general not just on here want things can can deteriorate game play for all, and it is imperative for developers to protect their product. The back an forth here would go on till the cows come home. If I were to make a statement such as your wrong about it hurting the game, I could cite hard data from EVE-Offline :: EVE-Online Status monitor and show that highest login numbers were while sisi was open. I could then say your just making emotional or opinionated statements which are not based in fact which is probably what 99% of people would do and that Sisi login numbers were never alarming to the point that you would wonder why is everyone going over there.

Instead I am going to say that people enjoy things differently, that’s the part that gets lost. Some think it hurts the game, some will disagree and that’s okay too. Why care what people wanna “test” whether in a dangerous environment or a safer one. Ultimately they will have to enjoy that same content in the not so safe environment so you will eventually get your wish too.

I only pulled this quote cause it sort of buts up to this, is the denial of content “for some” in this sense. The people who were brave enough to try the new content hats off to them, i’m sure they theory crafted as much as they could, and most likely could afford to lose what they were flying. The old adage “don’t fly what you cant afford to lose” also means your not going to know what it’s like for a long time unless they were allowed to “test” it and at least see. You could also test content on live with friends to test it’s difficulty and then theory craft from there, welp some people don’t have friends lol, it doesn’t make them any lesser, they just want to do things alone if they can and yeah some content is not meant or not possible to be done solo so there is that.

Maybe folks may think that all the free injectors on sisi takes money out of the actual game cause you can get it for basically free, and then some might argue that they may find something they love on sisi and inject their way to it on live. In the end it doesn’t matter whether I think or you think we are wrong or right. There is a solution for both sides with this particular topic, fix the issue and reopen the server. Both sides still get what they want.

Market/items on sisi had zero impact on TQ. Including injectors

IDK man one might argue they liked a Rokh battleship so much on sisi when testing it that they went on TQ and bought one thus impacting the market on TQ.

I swear I don’t mean it but if you read my other crap you got my point. I think most folks on here want the same thing for the game but enjoy the game in different ways.

Well I mean they could just offset the builds between the two as “theoretical” then people can make decisions on purchasing.

But then again…that would also make people scrutinize any event or the CSM for any little bit of information that leaks out.

But testing has its place on SISI, but its a bit of a cop out at the moment. And frustrating when certain problems are now direct to Tranquility wise from a QA perspective.

what do you mean by this :grey_question: