Singularity Accessibility Update

Thats what people were using it for, that is however, not what it was actually made for, yes they left it up but i doubt they will have gotten much actual useful data from it for years

Diablo 4 its a good example right? thats the reason because they planned a test server before the launch in the next season. Same for the every online game in the market with betas, prelaunch access… etc You consistently contradict just to seek attention, even knowing you’re not right.

At least if they close it its ok, but they give access to new content to partners given exclusive advantage to they corps.

No, it’s whatever CCP decide it is for.

No, its whatever the players dicide it is for. Without players, there is no game; that’s why the CSM was created when CCP forgot this golden rule.

Reality says otherwise.

The reality say what Pearl Abyss want. :zzz:

Please make Singularity the way it was.
560+ replies to the topic isn’t bad.
Besides, many of those 500 are PAYING CUSTOMERS clearly tired of having a game they love axe murdered into tinier bits and pieces so as to optimize it for profit.

You are paying for omega on the actual live server (Tranquility), not Singularity. You are not entitled to anything. There are ways to test things on the live server, just find a quiet system among the nearly 8k that we have.

Not all of the replies are people who are unhappy about the change, lot of it are people saying you can do the same things on the actual server or with 3rd party apps.

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AI am not going to freak out. I get ccp’s idea.* I mean I did miss out an opportunity to take part in massive mindless battles at no cost.

*well I think I know

Yeah, brilliant change :roll_eyes: Is there a point that CCP reflects on its low player numbers and says ‘hmmm maybe we just make a lot of stupid decisions.’ That was a rhetorical question BTW.

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Oh look, another person not willing to let the thread die. It’s been 8-9 months already since the announcement and login numbers have been going up, not down.

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Well, the time for SISI Mass Tests is still inconvenient.

And a bit hard to gauge.
Forum Foxes generally are on top of it.

But the majority of the player base isn’t aware of the mass test on a regular basis.

And also recent SISI mass tests feel like they are a copy port of within 72 hours. Market prices from in game are translated over. And recently I was surprised to find myself in a ship and fit I had only recently run within 48 hours.

It would be nice to have notes in memo style of a specific ship/mechanic available. So players can look at the material during the mass test with more focus. I would say the mass test also needs to open 48 hours. [24 is within reason.] But the time of CCP being able to online and shutdown materials has been kind of question mark.

As noted with the April Fools Event. [The April Fools Event…live updated at 10PM USCST…and ended 24 hours later at 10PM USCST] But the code for the items in question kept running past the time frame. So that has raised some questions as well.

It wasn’t a normal time frame.
SISI opening is kind of on that weird time frame as well. Lately it closes at 3 PM USCST. Which is kind of a narrow window for US Timezone players to participate in the mass tests or look at Singularity.

For every argument there is a counter argument on here. One thing is clear, a generous subset of players want the servers for theory crafting. Not every one is an engorged ISK blimp that can throw s*** away just to test things, it doesn’t have to be a new bro. Some people actually want to see if they will like a hydra implant set before making the investment. Re open the servers, clearly the players want it.

This is how some players set goals in game. Much of what you love fleeting in was born on sisi including those arguing for the closings, re open the servers … clearly a subset of players want it. Explode all loot in the citadel with the explosion, or make them invulnerable, or don’t port em. A little extra work, sure I guess perhaps people that know more than me on this could comment, but I’d assume problem is solved. If you can edit loot drop on explosion on live why not alter it only for the test or so it doesn’t show up on KM.

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Ccp acknowledged players used it for purposes not intended. They do not have to allow us access. The server is for them to test things and allowed us to try out what would have made it live. Notice the past 2 mass tests had zero to do with any part of the expansion.

Yeah I get all that and nothing you said is incorrect. The point is it clearly held value to some people. I think both sides are valid but im just not convinced that try before you buy is something that breaks the game, and it looks like that’s what most folks are saying. As it stands there are negative consequences of allowing access as the server previously existed. Change it and satisfy both sides.

I think CCP has done amazing over what; 2 decades now, and the game is not going anywhere. If you’ve ever run a business though, try ignoring your customers and see how it goes. It’s something you can actually try IRL. I just foresee a solution for both sides, that’s all.

  • Absolutely everything that ССP has done in the last 2 years is a total deterioration in the lives of players in order to force them to donate. An increase in the price of a subscription by 2.5 times , the utter murder of any mining , a complete nerf of moraders that would completely kill the possibility of WH farming for solo players , and finally disabling the test server under the guise of correcting some errors . AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT APPARENTLY THE PLAYERS ARE COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH IT. WHERE ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO REBELLED BECAUSE OF THE RISE IN THE COST OF WARDROBE ITEMS??? EVE players online - our game is being taken away from us!!! AND EITHER WE STAND UP AND TELL THE DEVELOPER THAT THE ONLY MISTAKE THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED IS HIM, OR WE WILL SOON PAY FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO LOG IN AND OUT OF THE GAME!!!

What players want and what is good for the game does not necessarily align.

Players often want things that improves their own situation, even if it degrades the game.

In this instance the risky unknown nature of the game is undermined if people can avoid all that risk by testing all new content in a risk-free environment.

For some reason, the test server has not interfered with the otmosphere all these years)) And it was this environment that was created by players, not bots, next to which you now need to die on several ships so that you can then go and buy new ships from the developer … and, of course, plunge into a dangerous and unpredictable atmosphere))))

It did.

That’s why „Sisi Warrior“ („sissy warrior“) has been a pejorative term since forever.

I don’t understand what these terms mean, apparently this is only a Western meme, but if the developer believes that in order to check the fit for c5 or triglav or any high-level non-writing, I have to merge a couple of maraders about it, then the day is not far off when you will have to pay money to enter and exit the game))

Its nothing to do with it being a “western meme”, Sisi is the nickname for Singularity, and being a “Sisi Warrior” is someone that wants to play on the test server and not the actual game.

If you actually want to check a fit you can use the simulation in game or pyfa, but I suspect what you actually mean is “I want to practice and perfect something so that I can do it on the real server without any risk”.

It seems like a fairly reasonable expectation from the developer that if you want to try things in game that you try them IN game, there’s no mention of test server access being included in the subscription so CCP is under no obligation to provide it.

yes, imagine, I want to train before a high-level event after I fly there on a ship that costs the same as I earn in a month)) and this has never caused even the slightest embarrassment to anyone - the first time in 4 years games I hear that, to see how the mechanics work before using them is something shameful) but are you one of those people who believe that dark souls should be played naked with a club and blindfolded?))