Skill ID #?

So I was looking at skill names and IDs from…
I’m trying to pull together the list of skill IDs for skill names.
However, I can pull together the Names, but cannot seem to correlate the names with the IDs.

SELECT typename from invTypes join invGroups on invTypes.groupid=invGroups.groupid and categoryid=16;

This pulls the names, but I can’t seem to figure out where the ID comes from.
Can any1 help me with this? Thank you.

Just add typeid to your select.

typeid, typename

FROM invTypes

INNER JOIN invGroups
ON invTypes.groupid = invGroups.groupid AND categoryid = 16;

That should work.
Alternatively you can just put a * after the select to get all available columns and then just select what you need.


FROM invTypes

INNER JOIN invGroups
ON invTypes.groupid = invGroups.groupid AND categoryid = 16;
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TY Nexus, I was over-complicating the query statement. :slight_smile:

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