Skilling Spree - Event Feedback

Day 3, Unallocated Skill Points Added still showing from day 1. Net total of skill points gained for me for this event. ZERO



Oh yeah it read that “If the challenge is not completed successfully, it will be replaced by another that’s randomly selected during the next daily downtime at 11:00 UTC.”
Though if you don’t complete the days before it is still stuck on you needing to complete it.

lol so in other words “if our coding breaks your done, might as well quit”?

cause that seems to be where Im at, it broke on day one and has never fixed. Such a great event. What exactly was the 940 MEGABYTES I had to download earlier before i could play today? more bugs? lol

And after second DT…

Bingo! Nothing changes.

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Its pretty terrible IMO. I also have a char stuck since day one, with 0 lp earnt. Its also pretty terrible that we get no response to anything highlighted in this thread from devs.

Summer of rage 2019 anyone?


Day 3 and my progress bar is still stuck. Havent gotten any SP so far.

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There is a bug on my alt where its been sitting like this since the 2nd day on my alt he never got the sp neither can he do any further missions its just stuck.

Is there a way to fix it? I’ve tried turning it off and on again xD


+1 same here

“Ganktards” are tight and restricting black fishnet under-garments similar to the “Leotard” worn by particularly heavy-set late night supermarkt shoppers. These “Ganktards” are typically worn to control the crippling butt clenching induced by not being able to Krab with complete safety.

Their popularity as the undergarment of choice worn by pilots in Nullsec regions has increased due to the removal of an early warning and free intel gathering system called “local”. This “Local” safety system would automatically inform them of danger when they took time to look up from netflx.

In the highsec regions of New Eden the stress of having to stare at system monitors to look for red blips has long been known to cause involuntary rapid clenching of the gluteus maximus / gluteus medius muscle groups along with a reflex cry of “Code… CODE”

*(Article stub: see 4a “strange garb of the safety entitled”)

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Day 3 - Unallocated Skill Points Added


Still broken for me. Day 3, no SP, and stuck like too many others. I hope CCP will at least acknowledge the problem soon.


ALso Stuck on the one toon it actually helps most, adding it here

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To rage about not getting something for free or at least for ridiculously little effort would indeed be very 2019.

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I created a new topic, to hopefully raise awareness to CCP over the bug of not being able to progress in this event.

Please, take the time to respond if you are also having issues.



Event is bugged for me since day 1.

3 days and still no clue about RNG from @CCP_Falcon

Worst community management ever.:triumph:

I do not like daily quests. Big thumbs down on this event for me.

Same. I cant redeem points and the daily quest doesn’t reset.

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this event is not going to bring back the 20% login losses over the blackout nor are people going to see this as anything other then forced GM driven scripted gameplay…EEERRRRRRRRRTTTT! wrong answer.

Clear your launcher cache, that seems to fix it for most.