Hi - I have the same problem - I don’t see any information about the daily challenge. I have the Agency open, and nothing about Killing Spree - where do I look?
In the upper left hand corner of your screen there are four icons, if you hover your mouse over them, a description will appear. From left to right, Search New Eden, System Info, Route, and Events. Click on the Events flag
It’s in the top left corner of your window…it’s actually not in the Agency. You may need to expand the icon (under system and route icons…it looks like a flag, and is called “Skilling Spree”.
And for CCP,
I sent in a support ticket 3 days ago since one of my characters has that “stuck” bug…so not only do you owe me SP for the Day 1 mission that has been stuck ever since, but for EVERY SINGLE DAY SO FAR that you haven’t fixed the issue…seems like you have a simple fix in place, so why 72+ hours to fix it?!
Same here… but if you saw the update to the main post on topic, it says they are aware…so sounds like the stuck char will get “free SP” due to their bug…so dont get to upset
to be fair though its possible to kill npc’s repeatedly, just fly to another site and kill if nothing go to another and kill. Find a system with many and you get tons of killing with all manner of spawn and drop chances.
How does one repeat the once a day log in thing to get the top tier “loot”. They cant!
Overall its still pretty moot for me, my support ticket is still pending, and I am at zero SP for the event so far
Killing NPC’s for Skill points is soo ingrained as an mmo trope that actually doing it in EvE feels refreshing since its never been a thing, I want more of this, but I don’t want x sp for 1 rat that’s stupid, why not tie the sp as a percentage of the rats bounty and put a hard cap on the amount you can get per day that would feel more rewarding I think