Took a bit of a break from posting my updates here since the above one on 20190729 but after hitting 20 straight days yesterday, figured I’d put in a MEGA UPDATE here. Won’t update again until after the event is over (as that’s coming up in a week or so this month now, I believe):
- 0x50k 3x25k 6x10k
- 1x50k 0x25k 8x10k
- 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k
- 0x50k 3x25k 6x10k
- 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k
- 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k
- 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k
- 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k
- 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k
- 1x50k 3x25k 5x10k
- 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k
- 2x50k 1x25k 6x10k
- 0x50k 1x25k 8x10k
- 0x50k 0x25k 9x10k
- 0x50k 2x25k 7x10k
- 0x50k 0x25k 9x10k
- 2x50k 4x25k 3x10k
- 0x50k 4x25k 5x10k
- 1x50k 2x25k 6x10k
- 2x50k 2x25k 5x10k
1a. 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,25,10
2a. 10,10,25,10,10,10,25,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,25,25,25,10
3a. 25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,50,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10
1b. 10,10,25,10,10,10,25,10,25,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10
2b. 10,10,10,25,10,25,10,25,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,10
3b. 10,50,10,25,25,10,10,50,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,50,25
1c. 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,10,25,10,10,10,25,25,10,50
2c. 25,10,50,25,10,25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,25,10,50
3c. 25,10,10,10,25,10,10,10,10,50,10,10,10,10,25,10,25,10,10,25
Personal totals and %ages so far:
11x50k 38x25k 131x10k (6.1% 50k (up from 3.7%!) / 21.1% 25k (just a bit down)/ 72.8% 10k (down from 74.1%!))
Well, there’s been a lot of boring ol’ 9x10k days for me, but there’s also been some awesome days such as just yesterday with 2x50k and 2x25k! And before that, the 2x50k 4x25k merely 3x10k day (last Friday) was also pretty damned good. Me likey!
My main main (1a) is still way behind all the rest in terms of anything other than 10k days, but at least she got a couple 25ks starting on AUGUST 7TH (wow, what a wait!)… still not a single 50k, though!.. then again, she’s got the most total SP (nearly 140 mil), so… eh! 1st world omega problems for sure.
My first alt, my 2nd main (2a) has an impressive 7 days of 25k but also not a single 50k. The other 7 toons all have had at least one day if not 2 or 3 days of 50k except one… (2b in the above data)… I’ll be waiting to see if 2b’s luck improves at all in the coming week or so. Fingers crossed!