Skilling Spree - Event Feedback

Would it be crazy to implement weekly SP challenges?
The bittervets have the SP they need and have worked hard for over the years they have played. They are a (estimated) minimim of 30million SP above any Newbro.
How about this for a new challenge. A persistent one that never goes away. One that is not locked to only special events.

New player or All Player Challenges:
-Omega players get the 10,000 SP per NPC Battleship, 100 per NPC Battlecruiser and 100 for Cruiser. A maximum of 50,000 SP per week and max 100,000 per month. Alpha’s obtain half 25,000 and 50,000 per month. This means more content, more Unique log-ins and the ability gor new players to “catch-up”. One of the difficult choices a new player has is: I started playing and only have 1 million SP where some players have 30 million plus. How can I PVP versus them when they have a large % damage, armor/shield and speed advantage?

The answer is enabling them to catch up within reason. Yes Large Skill Injectors are a thing but by enabling them to undock creates more content for all.

But, what about those that don’t PVP or shoot anything bigger than Frigates in High Sec? That is your choice and risk. I recommend training into Mission Running solo or with friends.

I heard not a single reasonable answer to this question…not a single one

New approaches are the devil to some bittervets…that’s the problem in this game…:slight_smile:

They rather flag your post as “inappropiate” than even thinking about it twice…

Id rather it be based off of actual tasks eg: kill a player, travel through low sec, enter a WH. For lack of a better term achievment based. Not really a fan of the idea but better if it makes people go out of their comfory zone.


Yes. Thats why I recommend Cruiser and Larger because you need either L3 missions(and above) or leave High Sec.

It would be more limited such as x amount for your first PvP kill y amount after 50 z after 200 etc etc.

One plex for every npc kill would be great also :slight_smile:

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You could run an abyssal filament inside your WH if you don’t want to leave your WH for the free SP. You will definitely kill more than 1, 5, or 10 rats in a single abyss run, even tier 1.

You forgot that it’s also stellar, spiffy and keen. Now stop using mah ol’ lady werdz <3

I must be understanding the following line incorrectly then.

ideally CCP should have stuck with the original announcement with it implied only Trig invasion ships were the only ones that gave the Skill point rewards, and there was no daily reward, just random kill rewards.

this would have increased the numbers doing the invasions.

how many times did they rewrite the announcement, 3-4 times in the end.

but I guess they changed it to the current format to stop nullsec carebears from crying over how they can’t do the invasions.

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No, they changed it specifically to give ‘real’ Eve players like you yet another chance to ■■■■■ about “nullsec carebears”.


I agree, this would’ve been a better way to do it. Give the player a random task they aren’t usually involved in to encourage people (especially new players) to try different things they don’t usually do in order to get the SP reward.


Lets pad CCP’s numbers with a pittance of skill points as a reward for servitude

Well, I logged this character in last night to check assets and complete some contracts. This is the first time this character has logged into the game during this Skilling Spree event. The very first task listed was kill 10 NPC’s for 50k SP’s.

So while in the process of traveling around to take care of business, I decided to do the task and check the Asteroid Belts in a 0.5 system. The system had about a dozen belts and as usual, all the ones I checked had NPC Mining Fleets in them.

I actually only checked a little over half of the belts in system to complete the task since some of the belts didn’t spawn regular roid rats after landing on-grid. The whole process to complete the task took me about 10 to 15 minutes max because I also decided to loot all wrecks and process the loot in station for minerals.

First group of regular roid rats found was 2 NPC’s, then 4 NPC’s, then 3 NPC’s and last group to complete the task was another 4 NPC’s. The thing I found most surprising was the fact that all wrecks contained loot. I think CCP may have also buffed loot drops for this event.

Anyway, the task reset timer once again showed 3 hrs and as usual due to my late log in, Downtime happened before it reset. (I had previously completed some tasks on an alt character which I posted about here)

So this character’s first task = kill 10 NPC’s for 50k SP’s.

What many capsuleers seem to forget is that not every day they will log in and receive the highest possible skill point reward for the day.

Also events like these are good for the game.

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Ive killed more players then rats during this event. Im currently at 0 rats killed.

The first 2 or 3 days of the event, I got the 25K rewards. Now it’s been like two straight weeks and all I’ve gotten are 10K rewards. Is this like a bug or something, or my dumb luck??

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Since I’ve gotten close to an equal amount of the 3 different types of tasks, I think it’s probably just luck of the draw.

I can just confirm that few of my characters got straight 10.000 SP rewards since the start of the event.