Skilling Spree - THANK YOU CCP

Yes, you are.

Your position here leads to the inveitble comparision to how much an Alpha actually can earn in bounties compared to an Omega in anything.

Youre either being disingenous for some reason or are attempting to deflect the point that Alphas cannot make as much as they are worth to destroy into a pointless debate over the definition of value.

If you think they are fine as they are, why argue?

If you think they should be removed, there is agreement, so why argue?

If you think thereā€™s a case for increasing thier ability to create wealth, what is it? Because you havent brought forward one.

Do you have a reason to debate this, or is it just for fun?

he wonā€™t tell you, it would spoil his fun

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Then youve never stopped for five seconds to think about it.

So trolling for fun then. Im done here.

Taxing alphas for ratting is something that could be done. But we shouldnā€™t open up more industry. Even if itā€™s taxed, as long as itā€™s profitable itā€™s infinitely scalable.

But that doesnā€™t do much for pvp which you seemed to think was a problem.

Because it already did.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

If only you practiced what you preachedā€¦

You still havenā€™t explained why this is necessary. Aside from faction ships, what problem are you solving?

Quote me where i said the majority of botting doesnā€™t come from null?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

On itā€™s own is a poor argument.

There is no amarr/gallente pirate ship. Itā€™s inconsistent. Doesnā€™t mean we introduce a new line of ships just becauseā€¦alphas werenā€™t restricted because of 'balance. They were restricted to stop alts scaling and nerfed to reduce botting.

If you come up with decent proposals with good argument to back em up, then we can have that conversation. Iā€™m not the one being called troll here.

But if itā€™s just because, you want to hurt alphas cause you donā€™t like them or ganking cause you donā€™t like it, then you were never here for an grown up conversation were you?

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I admitted i didnā€™t have a link for alphas being meant for pvp. But the dev blog mentions alt scaling and several others have cited botting for the other restrictions on alphas.

Where as, at best, youā€™re being petty about inconsistencies. More likely you just want to nerf playstyles you donā€™t likeā€¦

Because you are on such solid ground there.

And i agreed ratting could be taxed for alphas.

But if alphas can run level 4ā€™s again, they will bot them just as they did before. And itā€™s obvious to everyone that mining in a barge will be botted.

Industry and trade is because of ALT SCALING. and the extra tax isnā€™t as straightforward as just limiting alpha skills in that area.

Thereā€™s enough evidence from faction warfare, vni ratting and missions to know what some players will do given half a chance. So itā€™s not happening.

One is not dependent to the other.

Consistency is a small price to pay for restricting abuse. Like the example above, we arenā€™t going to shoe horn a ship together just to satisfy the amarr/gallente gap.

Inconsistency in this case is another way to say freedom. We are free the restrict alphas in problem areas and give them more in non-problem areas.

Well now i know youā€™re lying.

You donā€™t get your reputation for nothing Lucas.

Youā€™ve recently come back to the game yeah? As an alpha per chance?


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Is effectively what we have by restricting them to level 3ā€™s. Same with ventures instead of barges.

The only problem is botting in null. Which i agree a tax could help.

When it comes to industry and trading yeah they could be missing some depth. And maybe they are missing gas mining in low/null/wh, but they certainly arenā€™t missing any depth from level4ā€™s.

You could convince me to allow them a couple more industry slotsā€¦and Iā€™d have no problem with alphas gas mining.

So regarding depth; how does restricting safeties and t2 mods on alphas show them the depth of eve?

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