Skin in the game

There are a few community salt licks here and on Reddit who are really upset that they can’t fly DSTs and faction battleships around empire space with their 6+ stabs and using the MWD/cloak exploit to be effectively immune from interdiction unless their enemies are fielding like 3-4 extremely specialized dedicated tackling ships. Whereas now it’s actually possible to catch and force them into a one-on-one engagement if the attacker is willing to make a lot of sacrifices in terms of defenses and damage output.

I’ve solo-dunked many dozens of such targets over the past two years since the WCS nerf, and the amount of death threats I’ve gotten has been orders of magnitude higher than the fifteen year combined total from all of my high-sec war activities up to that point.

I had no idea you were that gullible.

Hence why I was the 1st one in corp to train interceptors. Can’t kill what you can’t catch. Apparently now even the pvp’ers are lazy? Sad times indeed.

I miss those days…

Players determine price of scram and point. Also they are dead common drops from rats. Rats carebears kill in the millions every day lol.

Unless decreed by higher powers I use the drops I get from my pve chars rat kills really. If decreed., well then it’s t2. Also player based. To make t2 expensive well then that blows up really fast.

Kind of odd to have a module with a bpo cost higher than the ship would be real odd.

The point/scram on the hac more than the hac itself would be odd if t2. Since technically…players using dead space or even officer determine that modules is 200 mil or more. To the game…
It’s maybe a few million in minerals.

If the players who are the main victims of warp interdiction modules are suffering so much from their use, why are they manufacturing them and/or looting them from NPCs, and then selling them on the market? Shouldn’t they be forming a union and collectively refusing to seed the economy with these antagonistic modules?

High-sec war griefers like me, or gankers like Aiko, who don’t build anything and rarely engage in PvE content, would effectively lose access to these modules. At best, we’d have limited access to their most basic, least effective versions if we picked up some T1 BPOs and produced them ourselves. The unionized players, aside from refusing to make and sell these modules themselves, could also use their collective economic power to control the limited supply of these modules that wouldn’t come from them (e.g. from random players selling NPC drops who aren’t part of this effort). Just buy them out and reprocess so that the griefers can’t get them.

So why don’t they? :thinking:

The miners might only see them when an empire goes lawless.

Not much pity though…it can be 2 days of seeing the insurgency warnings. And the very nice triangle saying lawless in route path.

Funny bit is they’d blame the pirates. It was usually min mil dropping the bubbles when I was in angels.

Pirate bubbles wreck standing real fast whe n blues land too lol. Older min mil folks in the real corps….the corp can soak up the standing hits no problem really.

“if this is true“ it’s on the tin.

Well Io, at some point you might want to practice distinguishing between people who write meaningful, sensible, evidence and data-based stuff, with references to back their statements up; versus the kind of roleplaying posers who spout piles of nonsense based of whatever mood they’re in at the time. Regardless of whether they’re saying something you’d like to believe.

Otherwise you might get taken advantage of.

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I have things I agree and disagree with you about, and I have things I agree with and don’t agree with about Destiny about.

„Flying ships that once upon a time were stuffed to the brim with WCS to plex in FW“ is such a low-stakes non-insult that made my pre-Havoc gameplay of third partying the warzone — pretty much the style of gameplay that would have been most affected — barely even more annoying than it already was.

It’s a disproportionately overly-specific accusation of a very small consequence. The bigger insult is the „free farming“ accusation that went along with it which I ignored, but man your strong negative reaction to this tiny part is also really disproportionate.

Still not saying I believe Destiny. Both your behaviors here are off the rocker weird though.

Umm, dude, it was Aiko, not Destiny. Although sure, Destiny’s getting pretty weird, true enough.

“don’t be so gullible” doesn’t really seem like an “off-the-rocker weird” reaction to me, but you’ve been extremely sensitive the last couple years, trying to exaggerate every possible molehill into a mountain so you have something to complain about.

I also have no idea what the “free farming” accusation you’re talking about is, have you lost track of what you yourself were responding to? It seems that way.

At any rate, you’re right, an accusation from Aiko that I was abusing botting in FW is such a nonsensical non-event that nobody even paid attention to it, including me. You’re the only sucker that took the bait.

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I keep having to look up the definition of Poe’s Law whenever I see Destiny post.

I don’t consent to people talking about me behind my back like this, either.

You need to learn to respect my boundaries, unless you want to get on my bad side.

In my time (2009) I guarantee you CCP’s facilitating of one-sided bullying has cost them tens of thousands of players.


I guarantee you are a carebear spouting nonsense.


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