Noone has posted in the industry update thread for 2 hours. It is idle. Should it really still be in a restricted state? I think not.
Keep it civil yall and don’t go suggesting to spam other threads joking or not, it shouldn’t need to be said.
Hey Golem, you’re right we shouldn’t be joking about spaming. Sorry bout that. I am curious what your thoughts are on the edit block though? Seems you edited your post here so maybe you understand the need for that functionality.
Regarding the editing, its a byproduct of the Slow Mode in discourse.
See that if you’re interested in a back end discussion of it.
As for my thoughts, I think, Discourse should implement a small window after a post is made in a slowmode topic that you can edit it to fix typos and such, say 1 or 2 minute window.
Thank you! That is very helpful.
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