What’s there to ‘admit’ ? We’re not the Girl Guides, waving daisy chains and singing Kumbaya while we help little old lady miners across the road. AO is all about imposing our vision and goals on whatever systems we can.
Hey…this picnic has collectively gotten me 1000 killboard kills and 2.3 Trillion worth of destruction across my chars. Gotta have cream with jam scones to make a good picnic
As I mentioned before, I understand that you are free to play EVE as you see fit, and I am aware you are not associated with the Girl Guides. However, aligning yourself with certain groups can have significant consequences, as many have discovered in the past.
I would be displeased if I joined a group that misrepresented and manipulated the situation to appear as my best option and savior.
That’s all
Meh…I’ve been with AO for 2.5 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen things ‘misrepresented’ either to AO members or to allies. Governor Lee states AO political policy quite clearly on Discord. Of course AO is not out to fully protect people who are not part of it or who are opposed. But people such as miners who do join get SRP, frequent mining fleets, etc, so it actually benefits them to do so. If anything would be dishonest it would be trying to get the benefits of AO whilst not supporting it.
A growing number on Reddit say otherwise , but before you say that’s Reddit I know but smoke and fire
Lol…you’d get more sense and truth out of bigfoot and flat earth forums.
Your post never cease to amaze, you attack every one in this thread in one short paragraph, well not all Slow children at play seem to get off . You can drop the angry wicked witch sometimes can’t you .
Why your reading this are you planning on safety ship skins
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