Small Ancillary Armor Repairers - Question

No, you are wrong.

It is absolutely market speculation to assume that the status quo will not change and your investment will create profit. Increased supply vs demand is always a possibility in market speculation, no matter what the cause. CCP increased the supply of saar bpcs (as has been discussed on the old forums, I might add so you weren’t exactly blindsided), too bad for you.

I bought my first nightmare about 8-9 years ago. It cost me 1.5 billion isk. I’d imagine quite a few players bought their first NM or mach for similar prices, yet nobody is bitching that they cost 1/3rd to 1/5th the price now, that they lost the difference in isk.

The economy is manipulated by both players and devs. It is asinine to think the eve market should be immune to manipulation, it is a part of the game. Eve devs have been influencing the economy since day one, it is the status quo. CCP is under zero obligation to compensate for your lack of foresight. Equality of opportunity does not suggest equality of result.

Most bittervets have lost more isk than you have likely made. The difference is they don’t feel like they are entitled to anything.

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and yet they have done it again, and again, and again. Tiericide killed the prices of meta mods, my 2mil meta 4 webs are now worth 50k, changes to complexes hurt deadspace mod prices pithum a-type medium shield boosters used to be worth a billion more than what they are worth now, there have been multiple direct interdictions in the moongoo markets, dyspro was the bottleneck, then it was tech, now it’s something else. Each patch brings winners and losers in the market.

you ate the ■■■■ on this one, harden the ■■■■ up and move on.


Say just after you purchased those BPCs CCP announced they are going to increase the supply of the SAAR instead of just doing it. You would have lost just as hard as you did now. Price would drop just from people knowing a price drop was coming. When supply/demand changes are made someone is always going to lose regardless of how that change is implemented/announced. Somedays you are the windshield, somedays you are the bug.


Part of Eve is predicting this sort of thing.

Macharials at 320-350 million a pop were never going to stay that way, so I bought 14 billion isk worth and hoped for a change.

Rather pleasantly, it happened about a week later, and now they are approaching 500 million each.

You win some, you lose some, but be aware that items that are obviously mispriced due to in-game factors are likely to be manipulated by the devs.


They went up to 13m at one point which is in part what triggered the community outcry and CCP taking action in the first place. It was obvious that CCP has to act on this soon for reasons already mentioned here, mainly the disproportion related to armor frig meta. The market manipulation that made the prices skyrocket was a very good sign that it’s about time to get rid of stockpiled BPs. The BP seller was aware of this, you weren’t, so you got fooled. You didn’t even take the time to check the price history of said item before using a strong capslocked NEVER. Blame yourself and not CCP.


The only thing unexpected about the SAAR intervention is how long it took for them to finally do something.

If you thought that was something that was likely to persist indefinitely, congratulations - you’re the reason we have warning labels on everything.


Your investment are not guaranteed. Everyone can be bitten by stuff like that. It happened before and will happen again MANY times.


You’re free to buy them up and hoard them yourself.

I don’t have any particular interest in trying to help you realize a profit on an investment that went sideways.

I doubt anyone else does, either.

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The real funny point about this is how it was probably because of manipulation that it reached such high price so it can be done to raise it back. Might need more capital to pull it off with the increased supply depending on how long it actually last. If CCP has a deadline to remove the drop rate boost, then it’s just a matter of time.

To me the OP reads like he’s complaining about cooking himself good. If you do these speculation based trades you better be able to eat the loss. No need to come here and cry about that measly 1.5bil. That happens on a daily basis to a lot of people. I personally burned billions on shady speculations but it’s part of the game and in case of the saars it was obvious and not too smart by you to speculate on them. But hey your loss was someone else’s profit. So take it and be smarter next time.


Yeah I was surprised again and again how long SAARs where such a good cash-cow.

There was one player reasoning for lower demand and higher prices though: something along the lines of short-term Frigate PVP SAARs are pretty much OP for active Armor tanks. CCP could have emphasized on the fact that there are different options for fits and noone is forced to go for expensive fits. But they chose differently and I guess that time will tell if more Alphas are going to use them or not.

I personally find the whole situation a bit iffy.

Were data sites so :poop::poop::poop:-y (even with bpc’s being worth 10 mil) that no one bothered to run them?

How and why was the price stable around 3 mil for years?

Market manipulation? If yes, was it the correct thing for CCP to intervene in a “limited time” fashion? Sounds like more hoarder/ manipulation potential unless they really flooded the market with 5000% drop buff.

Droprates of SAAR BPCs were low enough for someone to keep the market cornered. Ergo stable high price and possibility of large-scale manipulation. Also Data Sites were far less attractive than Relic Sites. For both being quite the effort compared to other forms of content, they’re in a pretty bad place.

And Yes, CCP significantly buffed drop rates, that’s what they said. Maybe it was a hoax to get people to sell their stashed BPCs :smiley:

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You should just get used to it and keep some vaseline handy, CCP always bang on about the sandbox thing and how EVE evolves, in truth they always bugger about with stuff which leaves you up a creek.

For my sins I had around 3b in drone poo, the alloys they used to drop (not played for a while so don’t know if they still do) when I came back my rainy day savings were worth a fraction, same with data cores which I trained up on all my accounts at great time and expense, only to find FW I think giving them out like smarties.

Going back further I remember when a Navy Raven was around 1b and deadspace boosters were 2-300m max, sadly things we plan fail sometimes, in EVE it happens more often. Your only ever rich when its sold, and your only ever safe when docked.

Hope you do well on the next deal to cover the loss.