So in another thread there has been a chat about how small corps have no right to own structures and expect to keep them safe, now in Eve nothing is really safe but if players work together so much more can be achieved.
I proposed the idea of an organisation of small corps that want to come together for mutual protection in the form of a new corp with the soul purpose to try and save each others structures.
Now we already have organisations design for a dedicated task, the TTT used to have the perimeter police force a group of alts as the 1st line of defence for the TTT from all different organisations that had an interest in defending The Tower. (not sure if itâs still going)
Then we have The Hek mining Association, miners coming together for mutual cooperation.
So my idea is that each corp supplies a minimum of one alt member to this corp as a combat pilot more obviously the better, alpha and Omega could be accepted as corp would join in as allies in any wars.
Now I know what people will say âyou will never defend against people the likes of Black Flag so whatâs the pointâ
A good point but not necessarily true there are many ways to fight in eve and any new group will have to find there feet and learn, we all know pilot skill in eve is more important than any skill points.
Now the other opposition to this idea thatâs been talked about is that small corps are to stupid to change anything, mostly this comes from gankers types and alts that have a vested interest in this type of group never forming.
So please reply here as to how this group could work, not really the tactics thatâs for those who understand that side of eve but more on the practical side like, time zones, areas of operation, type of commitment, and how much time for training and what ever else a group would need.
Think about it 100 corps sign up, thatâs 100 combat pilots willing to give it a go at the minimum, 100 destroyers would be a pain for any attacking force.