Corp Summary: US/EU TZ : US TZ Primary
Targeted & Random Engagements/Roams
Chain Scanning
WH Sieges
C5 Operations - Nestor/DPS/Rattle
[Both approaches when needed based on support fleet]
C3 Solo/Group
Industry Some heavy members and blowing up
Mining or Huffing
Highly active corp and just finishing an expansion paired with reorganization of some of our operations. This pairs with a doctrine change with our pulsar effect.
Going so well that we need more subcap pilots for a second wing of our fleet as well as logi roles. We also are looking for PVE players to help with indy projects as well as baiting which pairs with PVP pilots watching over and sharing in the take. If you dont have to prep your space, as normal, and you have cloaky backup then you get around 25% more done and you share that with the backup. We C5 farm once a week, daily C5/3 roam/bait. Now the details…
The corporation is run by players that are looking for the best synergy between PVP / PVE. Were taking a new approach by collaborating with a few corps and building relationships that actually make sense in the WH space and its going quite well. Expanding pvp fleets/doctrines while we are currently seeking pilots to join us in our operations for US and EU Time Zones.
We equally welcome wormhole vets and new players. If you’re an experienced capsuleer our leadership is at a C5/6 skill level and continuing to ramp up. However new players be warned that WH space is a decent learning curve to the reward it offers but worth it and we will help you through that if your motivated. We reside in a C3 wormhole with both a C3 and C5 static.
Feel free to contact Bruce Mantooth Mantooth via EvE Mail or toss an application in with Gasfreaks
Or hit me up on discord @ fakawi#2802
Or join our in game channel GFP[quote=“Bruce_Mantooth_Mantooth, post:1, topic:51499, full:true”]
Corp Summary: US/EU TZ : US TZ Primary
Targeted & Random Engagements/Roams
Chain Scanning
WH Sieges
C5 Operations - Nestor/DPS/Rattle
[Both approaches when needed based on support fleet]
C3 Solo/Group
Industry Some heavy members and blowing up
Mining or Huffing
Highly active corp and just finishing an expansion paired with reorganization of some of our operations. This pairs with a doctrine change with our pulsar effect.
Going so well that we need more subcap pilots for a second wing of our fleet as well as logi roles. We also are looking for PVE players to help with indy projects as well as baiting which pairs with PVP pilots watching over and sharing in the take. If you dont have to prep your space, as normal, and you have cloaky backup then you get around 25% more done and you share that with the backup. We C5 farm twice a week, daily C5/3 roam/bait. Now the details…
The corporation is run by players that are looking for the best synergy between PVP / PVE. Were taking a new approach by collaborating with a few corps and building relationships that actually make sense in the WH space and its going quite well. Expanding pvp fleets/doctrines while we are currently seeking pilots to join us in our operations for US and EU Time Zones.
We equally welcome wormhole vets and new players. If you’re an experienced capsuleer our leadership is at a C5/6 skill level and continuing to ramp up. However new players be warned that WH space is a decent learning curve to the reward it offers but worth it and we will help you through that if your motivated. We reside in a C3 wormhole with both a C3 and C5 static.
Feel free to contact Bruce Mantooth Mantooth via EvE Mail or toss an application in with Gasfreaks
Or join our in game channel GFP
Or hit me up on discord @ fakawi#2802