Smartbomb drones

What could go wrong?

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Would they kill eachother?

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Yeah, but this one is so bad I thought it deserved a thread of its own.


Worse idea than scramdrones. They would hurt you, themselves, and way more funny: I am sure, somebody would use them in highsec…

50 of these would be hilarious.

Would suck to be the drone bunny… looks like rabbit soup tonight!

I would love the be “drone bunny” on a fleet with such drones where I can laugh at the fact I am doing my job while being completely useless. I mean, as soon as I attack someone, I just killed all the fleet’s drones as they smart bomb each other into destruction.

Hah, true enough. I was for some reason thinking that assisting drones to someone made them orbit said someone.

In which case, watching the whole fleet burn away from the drone bunny with a preemptive wince on their faces would be most amusing.

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They do but should not fire until they are in range of their target. It would be hilarious to see on a brawling comp tho.

Not if, like bombs, they had great resistances to their own damage type. )))

They would still kill each other long term unless you constantly rep them.

There’s always that one twat that likes to bring a manticore into a hound bombing squad.

And shoot first so his bomb kill everyone’s bomb.

Well obviously… all those other assholes brought hounds. They’ll blow up his bomb for sure if he doesn’t get the first shot off.

the effects would be a challenge