SMT : Eve Map Tool

Another release : 0.66

  • Zkillboard feed & Characters now on the Universe view
  • ZKillboard and Dotlan links on universe right click menu
  • Universe now respects the map colour configs
  • Ability to switch between the region / universe view

The ZKill data will now appear on the Universe view :

The characters will also display (note im looking at ways to stop it interacting with the map, but a lot of areas are very busy…)


And on both the region and universe view I have added an option to select the system in the other view :

eg :


Source and Binaries here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback.


Also added a new video to the playlist :


Everything is back to normal. Thank you very much

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New small release : 0.67

Nothing too crazy this time; just some performance optimisations and tweaks to the universe view

Source and Binaries here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback.

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Another small release : 0.68

Further optimisations…

The universe view will disable a few items depending on the zoom level :

At full zoom out you wont see the system markers or names and the region names will be rendered on top …

As you zoom in further it will push the region names to the background and draw the system markers :

And finally as you zoom in further it will enable the system names


You can change when these transitions happen by tweaking the 2 new options in the map config :


Source and binaries here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback.


Another Release : 0.69

  • Basic Version Checking to notify of new releases
  • Further optimisations to Universe rendering
  • Copy of way-points from the route
  • Delta kill data from Dotlan

I’ve added some basic version checking so all future builds after this one should get a notification for a new version available :

I’ve added a copy button to the routes :


What this will do is copy the gates and waypoints to the clipboard in the format you can paste into game with the links :


<url=showinfo:35841//123431231231>U-QVWD (Take Ansiblex)
<url=showinfo:5//30004808>3L3N-X (Take Ansiblex)
<url=showinfo:35841//10317123123672>3-UCBF (Take Ansiblex)
<url=showinfo:35841//1030123123436>YALR-F (Take Ansiblex)
<url=showinfo:35841//1031791231994>XWY-YM (Take Ansiblex)
<url=showinfo:5//30001858>4GQ-XQ (WayPoint)

If you paste this into either an eve-mail or notes it should link to either the ansiblex gate or the system :


Which should make it easier to share routes with your fleet mates (note if you paste directly into the fleet window; due to limitations of the client it will loose the clickable links

And finally, ive added the dotlan NPC delta kills : with 2 options :


One you enable the NPC kills display and and enable the show Ratting data as delta you have 2 views :

If you have show negative ratting delta you get the green and red circles (green for positive, red for negative)

However… I personally dont find the negative delta’s too useful, so if you disable the negative delta’s in the options it will overlay the positive delta ontop of the ratting kills, eg :

And finally, you can see this info in the hover over…


Source and binaries : Release SMT 0.69 · Slazanger/SMT · GitHub

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback.


A minor release : 0.70

  • Fix for crash when entering a wormhole

Source and binaries here :

As always let me know if you have any issues / feedback.

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Hi, the Import for the Anomalies not function by me!

I Copy with ctrl+a (select all) then ctrl+c (for copy in clipboard) and then i push the Button "Update from Clipboard) in SMT Programm but no import the anomalies!

What is wrong?

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can you paste what gets copied from the game here in a quote block

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GBJ-992 Kosmische Signatur Datengebiet Zentraler Funkensender der Angel 100,0 % 9,71 AE

is the problem i play EVE in germany Language?

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Yeah it looks like in english the data is separated by tabs, but in german its not. Let me have a think about how to solve that…

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ok, thx.

i have another question: what is when i click on a system when i see NPC Kills: 12, Delta(12) what is Delta 12 und what is when the number is negative -12 ?

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@Snipping_Shooter the delta is from Dotlan… it represents the change in kills… so a negative delta means that the system has less ratting than an hour ago, positive means more…

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it is now

NPC Kills: 12, Delta (-19)

12 means that there were 12 NPC kills in the last hour.
And (-19) does it mean 19 less than 1 hour ago?

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yep that’s correct

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can you solve this with the german language for the anomalies?

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I think so yes, just need to work out how to adjust the parser

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ok, i wait. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the great works, first.

I tried to connect my EVE account to SMT.
When I entered character section, and pressed ‘Add Character’, of course there is EVE log-in forms.
However, it comes with two scripts error pop-up, and I fail to connect.
Could you check about this?
Thank again

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@Canceler_Ultimate run the file “Run Me First…”

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