No issues here. Haven’t seen anything. Some slowdown after several hours of running but that is it.
I have a suggestion to this: The ability to add personal ‘Point(s) of Interest’ to this.
I do see that it has ‘Ice Belts’ shown; so something similar to that, using the icons that you can find in the settings of the overview. The ‘red box with the star’ as an example would work perfectly with what I am wanting the map to show me.
A new release : 1.35
- Added Jove Observatories to GR-J8B and PEM-LC
- Changed region map rendering so the system name displays in a better position depending on the layout
- Split the decloak notification so you can configure Mobile observatories, Gates and everything else separately
- Added the option to route through Turnur
- Fix for preference save issue
- Fix for occasional crash updating Thera info
- Several adjustments/tweaks to regional maps
- Fix for overlay/hotkey crash
Quite a bit in this one… the two main changes however are the addition of routing through Turnur :
The other big change is to how the text is rendered on the region view; it tries to find a better position based on the gates/connections around it eg :
Source and binaries here : [Release SMT 1.35 · Slazanger/SMT · GitHub ]
Let me know if you have any issues; if you’d like to pop by discord and say hello join here : SMT
Any chance to have this working on linux? An appimage would be awesome. A flatpak even better.
A new small release : 1.36
- Updated to include new Ships from the Revenant expansion
- Tweaks to the map layouts / system name positioning
Source and binaries here : [Release SMT 1.36 · Slazanger/SMT · GitHub ]
Let me know if you have any issues; if you’d like to pop by discord and say hello join here : SMT
Does this work on iMac?
hi i have the newest version of SMT and i check all , but have no warning sound from neuts.
i ckeck all and have sound on , but i dont get warning sounds
pls help
this is usually a missing windows component… can you check you have the “Windows Media Compoment” installed…
Can you add the option to turn off sounds while still showing notification warnings?
@Azotle_Dallocort yes, the sound volume is separate from the notifications
I can get SMT to run under Wine in Linux, but then it crashes. To get it to run you have to install the .Net software under Wine as well. There may be some tweaking that can be done to get it to work reliably under Wine but I’m not knowledgeable enough for it.