SNUFFED OUT disbanding

Yes, trigs are our allies. Check out, and you can see that the trigs are purchasing shares in the New Order.


Your allies will eat you alive…they already have started and your superiors didn’t even realized it :slight_smile:

That makes no sense miner. I will pray for you.


Don’t pray for me or i haunt your dreams at night…

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I’m sorry, I’ve already added you to the praylist for our Tuesday morning service on Teamspeak.


Then you are doomed…

Try to run but you will not be able to hide…

Too bad about Snuffed Out though, I hope they send me all their isk and assets before they uninstall. I always hate to see someone leave the game.


Well the members can still do something reasonable…like mining f.e.

Yeh, I mean, it’s almost like when you say “SNUFFED OUT” disbanding, what you really mean is they are just changing the name.

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Disbanding only means the ally…the corps remain after it…

Hm, so it’s not very dramatic, not sure why it even merits a post.

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A good(korean f.e.) drama is always worth to watch…reality may be different but still :stuck_out_tongue:

It can be fun :stuck_out_tongue:

I will stay until intermission, but if this thread doesn’t improve, I’m going to head home and beat the traffic.

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Leaving the channel too…

cya \o

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A quick check on evewho shows 13 corps in Snuffed Out alliance of approximately 1,238 characters. Even though the alliance may be disbanding I doubt that many players are just dropping the game. The people leaving probably found another group to join.

Looks like CODE. is still going strong.

I should really fix my 4k display or get a new one so I can get back and kill some miners for the cause.

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Although groups come and go this group disbanding is not a good thing for pvp in eve.

Oh for ■■■■’s sake already, one person says their RL is too busy to run an alliance, and you people are pretending the entire alliance has decided to boycott the game.


spot on, the alliance is disbanding, not everyone quiting, fecking idiots. just shows most of the nerds on here don’t even read the thread, just grab a random line and hop on in with their stupidity :smirk: