So I made a new character. It was eye opening

because it seems you dont understand why catchup and similar mechanics need to exist, or maybe you just dont want to, because reasons. power imbalances do not only exist and can be a problem on the biggest scale.

people in here are bringing up first week players to support their narative, but fact is, the skill system does hold people back for way, way longer. in that regard even a guy who plays for moths is a newbie, unable to be competitive in any combat on its own against a vet.

its quite obvious that no skill points are required to talk with other people, why are you bringing it up then? your example is also very unlikely to ever happen. besides that, not every eve player, cares, or wants to participate in the meta game. some guys are just here to make spaceships pew pew and thats where the skillpoints can make a big difference, especially in the more challenging engagements (not talking about blobbers here, because thats something anyone could do on the first day)

you dont have a single argument, why a slight catchup would be a bad idea. too much gatekeeping sucks and will harm the game more the older it gets.

maybe some vets in here need to work on their soft skills a little more, so they dont have to rely too much on the sp advantage

wrong. If the months old player actually knows what heā€™s doing AND picks the right kind of fight for his situation he can and will compete with a veteran. That was always the case. Itā€™s a matter of knowledge. The only way the skill system could ā€œhold backā€ people is when they make poor choices and have to readjust more often than not. Choose and stick with the choice until youā€™re good at what you chose.

No amount of sp will ever replace experience. That was the case when I started in EvE 8 years after its launch, and of course itā€™s still true today. Itā€™s hours playing, reading, researching, experimenting and experiencing.
Imagine a game where hard earned experience pays off versus any kind of benefit (free or paid for), and you have EvE.

Someone who has trained skills far longer will obviously have access to more stuff, and will be harder to compete with on many occasions. So what ? If you spot him/her using a ship+fit or situation that is inferior to what you have available, thatā€™s when you compete successfully.

Youā€™re the one responsible for maximizing your chances for success, not the rest of us, and certainly not ccp via all sorts of magic that would make a poor/inexperienced player a good/experienced one. FW has plenty of successful tristan pilotsā€¦ makes one think, or should at least.


But it is a two edged swordā€¦like most things in Eve. Waiting for level V skills is a pain in the proverbial, and you need them for certain ships, but once you do pass that stage then you have the advantage over all those who have not yet reached it. A disadvantage becomes an advantage.


Are you suggesting that someone who has played the for a few months should be equivalent in combat to someone who has played the game for fifteen years? I am curious, in what other MMO have you played where someone who has a few months in the game will be the equivalent in combat to someone who has played the game for years.

(edited to add)
I think that a new player that specializes in a particulate t1 frigate can be equivalent to a ten year old player if they are both flying t1 frigates and the new player has had lots of experience fighting in that frigate. EvE is special in that way because small ships never become obsolete. I think is ridiculous to think that a player that had played for years should not have some advantages over a player who has played for moths over all though.


I have given you an argument. Itā€™s not my problem that youā€™re being dismissive and low-key toxic rather than engaging with it.


sure, he can wait for an older player to take a really unfavourable fight and make mistakes. it will most likely happen at some point, because there are apparently quite a few guys who need ro rely on the sp gating to get anything done. though thats not competing against the vets how i see it, thats just picking up the low hanging fruits. more often a newbro has not the skills to fly the ā€œrightā€ ship for the encounter, or loses a ā€œmirror matchā€ in ships with similar characteristics due to stat difference from sp and whatnot.

thats not what i said, nor an argument why the YEARS long skill training could not be a little less tedious for newer pilots. getting people in to the action faster means more content for all, which is good for everyone.

experience pays off, but even more so with enough sp and assets. you describe gate keeping in a very poetic way, i can give you that.

you are projecting, unlike you and many others i am not here trying to get an edge and make suggestions/discus for that reason. neither do i want or need to maximize my chances for success at all.

i have 3 accounts with 100-150m sp each, 10m unallocated on my main, enough liquid isk to buy an at ship, or fly as blingy as it gets (if i would like that), the abillity to make enough isk to plex all my accounts playing casualy, or do stupid stuff as i like. i know the game good enough to hold my ground in any content i want to participate in. thats nothing to brag about and some people have far more and play better, but its enough to have fun and compete with most nerds. i certainly dont need any magic. even my kb as a mostly solo pilot (which to some ppl is equal to sucessrate) is on par with yours as a fulltime blobber without trying hard nor using blingy fits/pod.

fw has also lots of people who just instantly warp of, because they cant compete yet. it would be more fun, if more of those would give a good fight. the tristan is a lovely ship, very versatile and unpredictable. not so strong as it was when i got some of my very first kills in it as a newer player, but not to underestimate for the metioned reason.

what about two vets competing ? how is their basis any different from what I wrote ? one of them will have an advantage or, even better, create an advantage. Is the one who loses a ā€œlow hanging fruitā€ as you put it ? Should he receive more sp perhaps ? This would hardly be helpful.

what about two newbies competing ? Is that competition any different to the competition between vets ? Of course itā€™s not. The same basis applies. The one who picked right gets the advantage.

what about any pair flying identical ships using identical levels of skills etc etc ? The outcome again is determined by who makes all the right choices, or at least not a single lethal mistake.

Nothing here points at SP, everything at knowledge and experience, from a simple proof of reductio ad absurdum.

less tedious by how much ? hours, days, or do you want years less training ? where does it start or end, when is enough enough ? It will never be enough, because there will always be players, new and old, who look for reasons that are to be found anywhere but within themselves. Iā€™ve said on several occasions that EvE holds up a mirror to the player, and havenā€™t seen anything to the contrary.
And getting a foot in the door by an argument of ā€œwhat we suggest I so small you veterans wouldnā€™t even noticeā€, as some did ? If itā€™s so small it shouldnā€™t even be suggested. So letā€™s not kid ourselves.

If those people would wait until they are ready i.e., skilled and experienced enough, to engage in the level of encounters that you seem to suggest, while learning to find the situations they themselves fit competitively into (as all of us have toā€¦l) they would become players to fear later on.

Poetry has nothing to do with a kid asking for a sportscar when heā€™s still applying for a driverā€™s license. This has nothing to do with vets trying to gate keep, because there wouldnā€™t be better players coming through, only juicier, bolder and falsely reassured newer targets who are going to lose their now inflated ships. At most some of us here are guilty of acting like a responsible parent telling the kid ā€œno, bad idea, youā€™ll understand laterā€.

And of course it has to come to that, doesnā€™t it. Let me tell you, with the three omega accounts, what I do is on one single account. I pay my dues to the group I chose to join, as I have always done, and that involves large fleet activities, just as it may include ice mining or doing PI. The rest of my time is spent on replacing my losses and investing into the next steps of my progress, while keeping my wallet balanced. Unless I spend even more time than I already do, itā€™s true, I have far less time available for solo hunting than I desire. If that makes you feel better on the basis of your zkillboard, Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve been of service, although I fail to see what difference it makes to the validity of my argument against more free SP or skill levels.

No, the ā€œyouā€ was not for you specifically. Granted, I should have used ā€œoneā€, but that should have been clear.

Fortunately there are some gate keepers for a good discussion with the folks who make requests we think are unreasonable or worse.




It is not easy to walk even a few steps in anothers shoes. More than a few folks remake characters and test out the NPE, myself as well. I make notes, give feedback, beg for changes when I can.

But it is hard to not ā€˜do the right thingā€™ rt click, look for context, rush through the (what for us is) the simple parts.

The last vid I made was ā€˜what you missed, skipping the tutorialā€™ lesson. I did it step by step trying to see the purpose, the lessons and what they wanted to teach you. Teacher training came in handy . . . . even after all these years.



We all know this doesnā€™t ā€¦reallyā€¦ happen!

After reading this topic I should seriously consider to quit EVE. I have started in 2009, so I can never ever compete with those who started in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003. There is nothing I can do, how can this game ever be enjoyable for me? I am at a permanent disadvantage, forever! Also I have heard (rumors!) that there are people out there who are richer then me. They have TITANS! I donā€™t have Titans! Thats absolutely unfair! What can I do against those? CCP fix that!


I started in 2018, how will I compete with all those Hulks who have been mining for fifteen years? Golly gee, I wonder what I will do?

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You know what we need? We need frigates that have titan skins. And portals to spectre fleetsā€¦Because I have a job.

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seriously? you talk about deep things, about mirrors, seflawareness and so on, but you canā€™t even admit that the motivation for your gatekeeping is purely egoistic. i hope you can at least be honest with yourself.

silly point, even a small improvement is one and a step in the right direction.

hahaha, thats bold, you dont want to help anyone but yourself and try to hide that behind all specious phrases.

the point is as a blobber your performance makes like 1/30 or 1/100 of the total, ofc you cant notice that your sp makes a difference, because it really doesnt. if you are a f1 drone, there is also no decision making involved (that was the point you brought up the most until now btw), so there is only ā€œmechanical skillā€ (lul) and the ship stats (sp and modules) left in the equation of your performance.

You can buy PLEX.

A day one character can have all the isk, skills, and titans they desire.


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Kindly desist from employing DARVO. It will not go as it usually does for you. Thank you so much. (edit: this thread went south fast lolol)

I can honestly say it has nothing to do with egoism. But can you ?

So, cui bono ? The rookies perhaps ? Thatā€™s demonstrably false. The vets maybe ? Ah, wasnā€™t it you who mentioned ā€œbenefits for everyone, by pushing them into the action fasterā€ ? Sure, if you like fishing with dynamite. Not really fair to the fish, is it.

I enjoy helping people become better players by giving them some mentoring, isk and goods occasionally, fits and advice, just as you enjoy flinging low key toxicity when thatā€™s all you have left to say, having run out of any valid counterpoint.

The kid who wants that sportscar so so bad, do you think he will accept his parentā€™s argument of ā€œno, bad idea, youā€™ll understand laterā€ ? No, he will rebel. First he will ask for ā€œreasonsā€. Then he will refuse to accept the reasons, because itā€™s not part of the world he defined for himself. He will be moody, sulk in a corner, detest his parents until he becomes a bit wiser, and when heā€™s old enough he will say - often with regret and warmth - ā€œthey were right all alongā€. Kind of what we have right here ā€¦

the point rather is that you seem to have no valid experience in flying in big fleets, let alone for the FCā€™s I have the pleasure and honor to fly with. SP differences are painfully obvious even in the largest fleets. And of course thereā€™s other demands when you fly solo. So what is your point ? That yours is bigger than mine ? You can write itā€™s as long and as thick as your arm - but that wonā€™t make it true.

Iā€™ll give you this much:

You did write the truth there, you were not here for a solid discussion on the subject. Youā€™re here to demand and fling ā– ā– ā– ā–  at people who try to discuss openly and respectfully with you. Not unexpectedly, but you had the benefit of the doubt after you made quite the entry into the thread ā€¦

You of all people in this thread, with your solo kills (excuse me for not even bothering to verify that claim), you who makes all these decisions when hunting and fighting that us-poor-f1-drones-know-nothing-of, should know what experience means, including picking the right situation to punch and win.

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I donā€™t think heā€™s particularly suggesting that but

it seems like you want to :blush: And it looks like your latter has precedent. Is it a usual occurrence?
I personally am fine with the SP system as is. Maybe because I donā€™t care about competing and just play for fun and gigglesā€¦ when the bugs allow. :bug:

Thatā€™s a good way to look at it, although some peopleā€™s predisposition isnā€™t to hit low but to aim high. Iā€™m not sure I would feel as exstatic to blow up a player with less time on the game than I have as I would be if it were someone whoā€™d played longer.
Still, game online pvp = all is fair as Iā€™ve come to understand it and my namesake demands villainy anyway ( I blame you Blackbeard ) but since

then what a new player is better off doing is to enjoy the game while heā€™s learning and waiting for those skills to complete. I had a blast in my Atron, I learned about kiting, MWDs, aligning, bookmarks, that ship is fun!
I donā€™t understand how someone starts a brand new character in a game heā€™s never played before and wants to ā€œcompeteā€ with people who have years under their belts. Is that what they mean by ā€œballseyā€?


Neither do I. Iā€™ve had some experience with rookies who need ā€œhelp with Daganā€, from the SoE arc. I fly over there with a t2 fitted merlin - something that is very achievable for any (alpha !) rookie within the first month - to see them hanging there in a cruiser being helpless. The merlin has zero problems with Dagan (and that entire arc), if the pilot is 1) skilled right and 2) flying right - not to mention itā€™s a lot of fun to fly that ship.

And thatā€™s not even exclusive to EvE. The same is true for any game with a pvp component. Take GuildWars2, pick a ā€œbuildā€, get the equipment, and try to compete with someone who has been pvpā€™ing there for years ā€¦

The whole ā€œcompete with veteransā€ argument is completely bogus, in this game, in any other game, and in real life.


no i wont say that, because thats not the thruth. every motivation has the cause in something that has to do with oneself (dont know the right words in english to word it better) so, you either did you just lie when you said you are honest about your motivation, you dont understand it, or you said it to make me look bad. so while we were both off with those statements, the difference is that gatekeepers are in this case mostly driven by greed and envy, which to me seems to be more selfish.

thats not what i said, no one but you talks about pushing. can you stop trying to implement things i have not said?

thats a honorable task. i also help people out and share knowledge about the things i am good at. usually i am also more laid back if people keep it factual and friendly, but if they dont like it that wayā€¦ its their choice.

thats unfortunate, that your parents have not taught you more personal responsibility instead of gatekeeping

i was not talking about sp, i was talking about YOUR sp and performance. it always end like this, you try to pull a phrase out of context and try to implement/interprete something i did not say and come up with a conclusion that suits your intention, which it seems, at this point is trying to difame me.

see point above