and that may be as simple and genuine as a wish to do good. I am familiar with the thesis that helping others benefits one’s self, and even with the stranger notion that you cannot help anyone else without you yourself benefiting, even down to a molecular level with the release of endorphins and serotonin… Some would argue that people only help others because of selfish reasons, but that is quite a negative view that I do not share.
I have nothing to gain from the changes proposed by OP or you in terms of overall quality of the game. But if CCP makes the mistake of bringing the branches lower by luring new players into bigger, shinier target ships via skills and sp, I promise I will take my gratuitous advantage and start collecting that low hanging fruit. Not because I would be competing with them, but because I would be competing with you - and I can’t let you have that benefit all to yourself, can I. Neither you nor I will pay for that, but you know who will. It will have brought down the quality of the game for them.
So yet again, a warning against badly thought out changes. As people who care for the game it’s our duty to say “This would be a bad change because >reasons<. If you do go ahead with such changes, we will take advantage of your mistakes, in true EvE fashion”. It has happened before, it will undoubtedly happen again. Is that me lying about my motivation ? Nope, I’m being honest about picking more low hanging fruit.
Au contraire, mon cher. They taught me to make reasoned decisions, instead of emotional or greedy ones, making me my own gate keeper, of sorts. I can recommend it.
Btw, my parents never played EvE, so they’re not part of the discussion, okay ?
Nope, in a discussion it’s customary to follow a logical process that ends with a firm conclusion. This discussion is not new, neither is my personal conclusion as no new elements were added to force a re-evalution of the position.
Many would say that’s a closing argument after an already finished discussion. No new elements were brought up in the last 3 posts, except you pulling the killboard stats, criticizing my upbringing, questioning my performance in the game, etc. This wasn’t a discussion about me, but it was you who took it down that path.
So, thank you for the exchange.