with the demo account? thats sad
It’s a funding challenge, for a 200k live account.
I lost my house betting on Coinye…
Nudes or it didn’t happen…!
Fudster… scoff
I just calculated that it costs me the equivalent of 25m ISK per hour in electricity to have my computer on in order to mine for ISK.
Uh huh Sure bro
But you live rent free in Grampy’s head apparently
Unfortunately for you, @Verlyn, I can read properly. And I can read that the Eightcap window says “Eightcap-Demo: Demo Account”. Hate to burst your bubble, but your 95.930 Euro equity on your demo account are more fictitious than my 3 trillion ISK in EVE. At least we can have real fun with our in-game currency, while your demo sum is just a number. Next time, check your print-screen before you try to look smart on the internet! #namedandshamed
Thank you sirrah, for dealing the death blow to this heinous foe.
Oh, OP, how we must lament your skill issues.
Taking bad fights. Can’t understand why station camping no worky in HS. And now failing to even lie well on the interwebs.
Truly, this is the season of giving And you’ve made me EVE legendary as well.
A Merry Christmas to all
Jolly Festive Time & Happy Holidays!
While I agree that the possibility to basically buy everything* in this game is blatant pay2win**, I also think that your numbers are way too low and your whole plan is hilariously destined to fail and just make you content for other players.
* except for player skill or social structures
** A game does not need a win condition to qualify
Happy Christmas to you, thxs for all the forum fun over this year
I am literally Santa Claus.
What are you doing on the Eve forum? Shouldn’t you be getting your sleigh ready?
twenty-first century slay runs a tablet, obviously.
don’t sled and forum hot Claus
i would not post a genuine portal either oh-pee,
confusion to thy foes and
I dunno man.
I got a dude so obsessed with me he’ll make up a lie about wasting 40k on me
And all I’ve done this week is shoot rocks
I like it, but the reward should be higher.
For example, @Archer_en_Tilavine was willing to pay 2,000 times as much just for a single evening.
Well the 20 mill a day is more like my wages.
The actual campaign would have a 500 mill a day budget, which I would oversee personally to make sure that there is no funny business going on.
What do we get for 500 mill a day?
A HELL OF A LOT, that’s what we get.
I can’t specify exactly what in case someone else steps in and undercuts me though