nothing CCP does is cost effective anymore
Cool and in 2050 they might actually have a finished game, let me know when that actually happens, then we can use what they added as an example, at this point the game is early access and anything they add doesn’t represent the final product/service, and just because they added something that doesn’t mean its actually a good idea lol
Its not fanboyism lol
Its simple fact, EVE does not need the terrible features the players have managed to come up with, NONE of the ideas presented by players were actually good enough to warrant development as evidenced by, shock horror, none of them being added, CCP could have easily mocked up a station interior to test these ideas, but they didn’t because none of them were actually worth adding and were only eye candy, and development time wasted on eye candy is development time that could have been spent on actual features that actually impact the game, its simple logic
If any of the WiS ideas were decent then they would have been added, but, they weren’t, but the WiS fanboys refuse to admit that the feature was a terrible idea like adults and they instead whine that the CCP fanboys have no vision for good features, long story short, character avatars add NOTHING in terms of actual MEANINGFUL gameplay and there is nothing they can do that you can’t do faster and more efficiently as-is, i know it, you know it, accept the facts and move on, if SC is so perfect why are you whining here? because this clearly isn’t the game you want to play because it doesn’t have the super worthless WiS you seem to crave
You have no idea about how CCP works. What if these were the best ideas on the world and CCP management did not appreciate it? You are so lost.
Ok, at this point you’re just trolling, if it were actually a good idea it would have gained traction on the forums and thousands if players would have commented in the thread saying how great it was, the fact that this never happened does kind of indicate that none of the ideas were “the best in the world”, a bad idea is a bad idea, attempting to blame CCP for the playerbases inability to come up with decent ideas is a tad silly
I already replied to another thread. You can now go mine that event asteroid or whatever.
As in move on to other things such as the 64 bit client and other focus that was being held back by CQ
Ive never seen anyone propose any meaningful content that would be a compelling reason for putting resources into WiS.
Folks will mention immersion but immersion is a design aspect, not content, and therefor not an actual reason for WiS. We could say that the bar for effective WiS is that it is immersive, but not that immersiom is a reason for WiS.
Content would need to be something that required the WiS to be effective. For example, manufacturing is better driven off its own interface window and accessed directly off the neocom. So what ever content people could suggest would need to be not better served by being a window off the neocom.
So far no ones really come up with anything.
CCP itself tested content for WiS in case of avatar exploration prototype. But it was then abandoned like everything WiS related technology when WoD has gone underwater, and DUST was released so they had to share development funds.
One could say CCP bite off too much and then choked. The Story behind all of it is management being clueless.
So far no ones really come up with anything.
Yup, people have come up with all kinds of suggestions, but none that was viable.
- Anything that is not in neocon but is in WiS forces players who hate WiS to WiS.
- Anything that is in both is a waste of resources and a duplicate.
Therefore no feature that has to do with EVE can reasonably be in WiS.
Hardly anybody used it.
Some people never used it.
Some people refused to use it because it was nothing but a mass beta test for the engine for World of Darkness and had no interest in being a test subject.
Most people didn’t use it because EVE is internet spaceships, not internet Barbie.
Mostly because it was something they could remove, that took you almost 2 years to notice.
Development requires developer’s time, which in turn cost money to the company. There is no point in keeping a “feature” that no one uses and pay developers/designers to maintain and expand it for no economic reason.
Keep up the good fight. I mostly agree with you about WIS. CCP should have kept it. With hind sight being 20-20 they could have tried turning it into a cash cow by offering cosmetic features for a premium (e.g. who the hell wants to pay for an outfit for their capsuleer if they cannot admire it in WIS?). Sure it’s playing Space Barbie, but it’s “relevancy to the game” would be content, with potential for a revenue base to CCP. But no, instead EVE is now hosing Gala events where players put out ISK to “win” mediocre prizes? Look at the hundreds of posts flaming that event right now on their feedback thread.
“Oh, but EVE is not that kind of game,” then how the heck can CCP expect to expand their revenue base? With a purely “auxiliary feature” like WIS it could have served as an interface for purchasing “non-essential” features. This is just an example, thinking-out-of-the-box here. Want a mobile bank space to access any item you have from any station in the same security rating? Rent or buy or whatever bank slot you need to drop that item there then pick up else where. Need to better protect your ship from aggressors? Contract CONCORD AI to fleet with your ship (e.g. pay ISK) to give loggie support or whatever. These are real features in other MMO’s that players do pay for like extra storage space for inventory or hiring NPC players to heal them in a quest. My point is WIS could have been that platform to sell a whole host of features, and none of it as a pay-to-win model.
Whatever, I’m just tired of beating the drum here. But keep up the good fight Nana.
Because CCP lack vision and ambition. They used to have it in abundance but it would appear that those days are long gone.
I’ve always wondered why they bothered to take that out of the game. Was it hurting someone’s feelings?
Development requires developer’s time, which in turn cost money to the company. There is no point in keeping a “feature” that no one uses and pay developers/designers to maintain and expand it for no economic reason.
Nope. I have an answer for you. Exact and precise answer. World of Darkness - the inside story on the death of a game | Games | The Guardian
Read it. Lots of stuff in there, why WiS was canned and how, why CCPs projects outside of Eve took a dive, it even touches up on the current financial whale business model which explains to some degree cap proliferation, why we have so many multiboxing accounts, botting, etc.
These are of course complex issues with multiple and layered reasons, but read carefully, its not very difficult to put what is happening in the game with what is touched on in this article. Like 2+2=4 Real simple.
Anyone that is curious should read that as well. Get some actual understanding of things they are often attempting to discuss.
The game isnt goin anywhere. with their current situation they are able to make very minimal profit. Spaceships online isnt so good of a game after all, especially not for everyone.
Spaceships Online is a huge money maker and is freagin awesome, it just needs to be done right, not mediocre at best. I mean, just look at the events, the last few have been in such an incredible nosedive its just sad, really sad to see them stoop this low from just about every perspective. And this is just a single example among so many things that are almost as broken and out of whack. These guys can no longer make Spaceships Online right
Spaceships Online is a huge money maker and is freagin awesome, it just needs to be done right, not mediocre.
But how its done vs how it needs to be done is something completely different. I went with naming it spaceships online, because it is EVE right now. By CCP own standards from 2011 it is not what it should have been.
CCP went from vision of EVE: the World, together with station interiors, deep diving into the lore and doing things face to face, to EVE: the Space, where you fly inside spaceship like in 2003.
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