SoE Beret

First of all, i would like to state that other than this issue, i am generally pleased with the variety of in game apparel. However, i am disappointed in the lack of headwear, especially, in my opinion a very good aesthetic, the white SoE uniforms. Whilst some pirate factions, such as the blood raiders or guristas, along with the main four factions have berets corresponding to their primary aesthetic color, i do believe that ccp should add a pure white beret for the SoE, as it would complete the incomplete (imo) sisters of eve exploration suit.


Maybe because they are a peacfull entity and seems to militarized for them.

I mean, the SoE explo suit has a pistol with a holster on it. Freindly diplomats then?

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Freindly doesnt mean stupid. Have you met you fellow capsuleers.

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i want hat

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When did stupid come into play and this isnt about them its about hat

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We should have actual walking in stations as planned back in 2009 or so, then we can wear berets and play pool while we wait for pings.

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We can finally make use of exotic dancers that way

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Stupid as in the SOE is peacefull, but not stupid enough to be around capsuleers unarmed, sorry thought you would get that.

Hey, not everyone in space is ready to kill you at a moments notice with no hesitation. Only just most of them.

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I want a Jester’s hat and the moon on a stick CCPlease

Blue berets would be more appropriate I feel.

You can have your SOE beret when I get my Minmatar exploration suit!

(seriously that thing is in the database, just release it CCP)

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The stupid came in when the thread about hats was made.

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Capsuleers are Gods, CCP can easily release an expansion where we become like sansha and own mass slave fleets and planets to krab for us. That way instead of attacking each other we can blow up each other’s NPC krab armies.

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Actually the stupid came in when you started posting your troll remarks in these forums.


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1st.: i agree … would be cool! +1

2nd.: move this post to: you can du that by edit the OP


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