[SoERR] Reports from On the Way Home evacuation base


The mutual open-traffic agreement has eased movement from certain areas of Skarkon and remaining civilians with affiliations to Electus Matari have been pulled out. Civilian evacuation traffic to Invaders Must Die has seen some increase but sadly not amounts in any way comparable to the early days. News some time ago reported ingoing military more than outgoing civilians and I believe that’s more because not that many people left on the planet to evacuate than anything else.

PMC reports some Svarog units staging and moving off planet. There’s reports from Senda about Svarog attacks on Veles, probably related.


Warzone is in full assault mode and as result there have been both many recently liberated places with people wanting off and people wanting to return to their homes from which they have been displaced earlier now that traffic is open again.

Don’t know why people want to return to the warzone for. The tide will turn again and they’ll just be displaced again and what with Sarum’s making noises it could be worse the next time. But I guess tradition and ancestral lands and all that. Not my place to question.

But as a result, the base is busy and burning through supplies; I understand we might put out an open call for donations soon. I am informed there is some issue with us collecting isk under the name of SoERR Roughriders as long as we are in the Militia - suspicions about humanitarian money used for ‘peddling guns and rebellion’, or something like that - so if we will, will have to do it it will be supplies only.

The station’s busy, the Republic is staging, there’s Fleet people everywhere. It’s the only place to sensibly run the base from at this point, as it has previously been at this point of the Tide of War, but it’s also a nuisance and pain to operate on a station with military on standby. Not only does it make docksides crowded, but there’s no going to have a quiet cup of tea without some ■■■■■■ recognizing me, and every time someone does it can range from a fan club member or an officer friend of Masim’s to someone with an old feud with him or with opinions on politics.

(And I realize the tone of these reports is drifting towards a personal diary. It’s still going to be only about the bases so if you came here hoping to read about notepads or the state of my marriage, you’re going to have to just ask me directly somewhere less public.)

At least on a TLF station volunteer warriors don’t come to me, they go to the Militia.

(One of the Amo TLF station city domes)