I was originally going to make my next update about Wirashoda or Ala, but the news caught my eye and I knew I needed to go see what it was all about. So, I made my way over to Senda and requested a meeting with some members of the local provisional government. Senda was the original home of Stribog Kybernaut Subclade, so the executives were already familiar with me, granting swift acquiescence to my request, and a few details that many other Kybernauts would not be privy to. I don’t intend to spill all the beans, but prepare to be enlightened.
The Attack
Last week, cladeships identified as belonging to Clade Svarog entered Senda and descended upon Senda V. The intruding fleet consisted of a few Vedmaks, Kikimoras, and Damaviks; by no means a real invasion, but enough to unsettle the Clade Veles tactical troika present. They unloaded a contingent of ground troops and fired on the drones present. The settlement was declared an active combat zone and Clade Veles strategic troika directed the civilians to anti-air and anti-ground defense systems while the tactical troika engaged the encroaching Svarog directly with drone support. Reports indicate that after a fierce firefight the Clade Svarog troops were overwhelmed by the defense and pulled back into the surrounding area which had already been terraformed(I refuse to keep saying “nanoforming”) by mutaplasmids. In the days that followed, the tactical troika of Clade Veles grouped a large number of the locals into units and went chasing them around the strange landscape until they were finally cornered and driven off. Accounts from those who participated tell that the Triglavians, both Svarog and Veles, seemed to be oddly familiar with the new terrain, while the conscripts were clearly out of their element. This melded together with the combat prowess of the Clade Svarog troops to make them quite difficult to pin down even with the significant numerical superiority granted by these recruited residents.
The Resistance
I of course had to inquire about the Caldari Resistance that brought knowledge of this minor incursion to the cluster at large. The executives of Senda are well aware of their existence. While they do lend assistance, anti-resistance operations have largely been designated the responsibility of Clade Veles itself. Without telling too much of the practices, Veles conscripts bioadapted inhabitants directly to their command to help subdue the resistance. I’m told that they don’t receive updates on this often, but that inferring the situation from various things suggests that the advantage mostly rests in the court of Clade Veles. I don’t get the impression they expect this to be quashed soon, but that it is likely that it eventually will run out of steam, depending on how long EDENCOM can maintain the current rate of supply and how willing these people are to keep fighting their own.
Bioadaptation is a very interesting process and I hesitate to say anything about it. I will say that according to my sources once the effects of properly done organized bioadaptation were on display, the population became much less hesitant to take the plunge. Productivity per capita across the system has seen a general uptick despite the tumultuous transition. Bioadaptation enhances the traits necessary for a person’s occupation and tailors their survivability to the environment they will be working in, reducing the need for protective equipment where valid and increasing their raw working ability.
I did mention the drones earlier didn’t I? I suppose I should let you in on what’s going on with these guys. The rogue drones, Clade Veles are big on them, and have managed to bring quite a few into the fold. I’m sure those of you who piddle around the conduit loops know them well. The Navka Overminds. They do not exist exclusively in space. Clade Veles has employed them extensively to assist with a variety of tasks, from military to civilian application. They’re especially useful on the more hostile planet types, and have served to boost the overall productivity of several systems beyond their original levels. It is common to see troika on the ground being accompanied by drones.
In Closing
Senda is a bit of a unique case among the Caldari worlds. Because we worked to soften the people up long before the Domain of Pochven was woven, Clade Veles has found these Caldari more receptive to their advances than those in other systems. It is not particularly surprising a resistance network exists given how stubborn State and corporate military personnel are. In Wirashoda we have employed our own anti-resistance teams to assist Clade Veles, and diverting these forces to aid in Senda may be in the cards. Clade Svarog’s visit is not entirely appreciated given the significance of the Senda system to SKS3, though its status as a border system is not lost on me. More to come in the next update.