SOLD: 9m SP good starter, 2010 clean pilot, all BC V

Selling myself. Born 2010
9.1m SP
In starter corp and ready to transfer (I will pay fees)
Remap available now
+3 bonus remaps!
All faction BC V
All faction Destroyer V

Clean history, last 7 years in a solo corp as i left the game for a long time.
0.0 standings, no player kills or losses. No previous transfers.
Located in highsec.
(no password)

8b B/O, offers considered.

Thanks for looking,

6 bil

Thanks for the offer but will pass at this point, hoping for a bit more as its RL$ for the transfer now.
+3 jumpclones in highsec
Full set of basic implants to speed up training a bit
Assorted general ship skills injected and being trained.

9.2m SP and more skills added/training!

Bump, 9.3m SP and counting.

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8 bil B/o offer

Accepted 8 bil B/o offer, Ready to transfer as soon as isk arrive.

just getting home ill send it in a few minutes

isk and account info sent

Transfer started. o7

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