Sold ; close plz

I am for Sale

Minmatar+ Gallente Carrier , Gallente Dread
could be used for Vendetta Supercap
T2 Gunnery Small, Medium, Large all Races
Good Missile, Armor, Shield and Drone Skills, Good Core Skills
All Races: Battleship, Battlecruiser, Cruiser, Destroyer, Frigate Level 5
Amarr, Gallente T3 Cruiser
Most T2 Ships Level 4

Born 2007
Npc Corp
I pay transfer.
Positive security.
Positive wallet.
No kill rights.
Remap available in 11 Months; 2 Bonus Remap available
Located in Jita 4-4 station.

3 Jumpclones (1x Mid-Grad Slave + Hardwirings, 1x +4 Implants + Hardwirings 1x +3 Implants) all in Highsec

Start bid at 60 bil
Buyout 65 bil

60b offered

One hundred million

You mean 100b?

61b offer

Daily Bump

I got ingame some mails. So Buyout added

63 Bil

Thanks for the bid, will consider if no higher offers come along.

Buyout lowered


63 bil highest offer atm.
Will close sale in about 6 hours (around 13:00 eve time) after work.

1 h left

I´m sold to Friedel Aivoras
Awaiting Isk and Mail with Account Details.

Confirming purchase, ISK and account info sent

ISK received. Transfer started.
Will be ready : 07.10.2018 01:18:23

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