Sold. closed

Starting bid: 10B
Buyout: 15

I can do 10b b/o

11b my son.

I’ll do 12.



13 B is fine. i cover transfer costs. Send the payment and the receiving account name to the character then ill close this auction.

if she does not send isk my 12.5b still stands.

ill give her untill 18:00 german time zone if she doesnt respond you get the deal.

Logging in now to send in the ISK.

ISK and account name sent.

logging in to check now

having a bit of paypal trouble. girlfriend will make the transfer in a few minutes :wink: dont panic

ok its done. have fun with it.
ill close this up now

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Lordinquisitor Paulus

Will be completed after: 3/8/2020 12:17:27 AM

Received, thank you.

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