Waiting for a kind buyer
2013 born subcap char
61 M+ total SP
5 M+ unspent SP ready to shape me to your like
Solid fundamental skills
Neat employment history and killboard
Clones in Jita/Amarr/Dodixie/Rens (currently in Jita 4-4)
33 SKINs as bonus
Security Status: 5.0
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Already in NPC corp
Ready to transfer, all CCP rules apply
Skillboard Link: https://skillboard.eveisesi.space/users/864aef9146dc366882232feafb468ca34dc38756/
B/O price: 40 B
35b I will send you ISK tonight if possible
Thanks for your offer, but a bit lower than I want
38b I don’t have any more ISK
39b I don’t have any more ISK
Offer accepted, please sent ISK to this character so we can proceed.
39B isk has been sent to your account. Account information has been sent.
ISK and Email received, character transfer initiated.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: Careless Passenger
Will be completed after: 6/21/2022 3:57:33 AM’
Character transfer completed.
September 19, 2022, 11:29am
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