Located in Highsec System Osmon can be moved for a Fee to any Highsec System
Price: ⋁◬⋀⊽⋁
Offers and AT Trades are as always Welcome even with all the Meme posts that come with it
Don’t ask me why it looks Gold and not Silver… I assume it is the station light , didn’t wanted to Test undock it to make sure how silver it actually is
You’re trying to flip a silver magnate you bought 5 days ago for 150B+ flip? C’mon dude. You can do better than that.
You got the price wrong but honestly if that was true… no I could not do any better… 250b profit is pretty good.
So you are technically seen just double wrong and jealous at the same time
1 Like
(Lucky Bee)
November 25, 2020, 8:30pm
Hold on too it for some more time… trust me
February 23, 2021, 8:30pm
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