SOLD - WTS 41m JF/Rorq/Orca/Transport ship/Indy - updated

Main points to highligh:

-(Gallente) JF 5,
-Jump skills 5
-Orca with boosts
-Decent Rorqual skills
-Skilled in drones
-Bowhead pilot

At jita 4-4, NPC corp
No killrights
No jump clones
Positive isk balance

Price : 30 B ISK, non-negotiable ( already lowered )

Link doesnt work

Thanks, link updated!



Isanoe JeneratorW 18B

Thank you for the friendly bump

i sent you an in game mail to the character , would appreciate if you read it

Daily bump


Thank you for your interest.

Unless its a typo, its too low.

Daily bump, first to offer 30 B will have an awesome toon

i’ll throw you 21b rn

Great, you just have to add 9 more, to have a deal. Cheers



hello, would you accept 27.5B?

Hi! I replied to you ingame.

Following our discussion, I propose 28.5B

Thank you, offer accepted! Please send isk + account details for the character transfer!