[SOLD]WTS 77m SP PvP Focused excellent subcap pilot

Windex Murphy Skills

Positive Wallet
No kill rights
Couple of remaps available currently
Located in Jita 4-4
Test tubed around 2016

Just looking to sell him, nothing is wrong with him.

Let’s start the bidding at 30b please.

Thank you

33b isk ready

Bump! Looking for a good price here folks. I’m reasonable, all offers will be considered.

Bump. What am I missing here?

Edit: bid 53.5 billion ISK

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Your offer is accepted. Upon receipt of isk and account info I will initiate the transfer using CC, not plex.

In game contact made, ISK and account info sent. Thanks W. M.!

ISK and account info received. Transferring now, enjoy!!

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