Hi, i am selling a good titan with pod
He have not kill rights,have positive wallet, wis in high sec, great zkillboard, i am in high sec.
Have skinbs foir avatar x 5 already learned
Cold iron
Glacial drift
Purify of the throne
Diclaimer, selling other pilot in same account, i deliver first the first i sell.
I enter in a moment to formalize.
I have a plan for the money, offer some reasonable and i deliver.
Please answer the thread, i am not in tekilaman
nice =) today bump
I think the least i can get is 63.
I’ve sent you an ingame mail. I may be able to go into the range of 63 bio if we get a deal there.
I am going to work now. if you cn give me 64b is a deal
doens’t matter for that 1b at the end of the day So okay - deal (64billion)
Perfect, send the 64b and i transfer in an hour ( is a PITA get the mail for entring the secure site sometimes )
isk and account information sent. Waiting for the transfer to start
received, can you send me a mail withy the acc name, dont find where transfer him …
mail sent, sorry first mail went to Bill Parker instead of Tekilaman
Transfer done. Many thankjs.
received the email for the transfer. Many thanks as well!
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