As the title says, selling this character.

Neutral sec status

Located in Amarr

Positive wallet

No Killrights

Remaps Available

Can fly orca, t2 minny industrials

Could be in a rorqual in less than a month.


17 billion isk reserve

Auction ends tomorrow (12/19/18) @ 20:00 EST (-5 GMT)

Winning bidder will have 24 hours from time of auction close to make payment, otherwise I reserve the right to cancel the deal, restart the auction, and / or seek out secondary bidders.

Whats the BO ?

19 Billion

The BO will be whatever the high bid is at auction close in 7ish hours. Currently the reserve has been met and you are the high bidder.

Auction ended. Maze Avionik has the winning (and only) bid of 19 billion isk. Please post here when isk has been transferred and I will do the character transfer.

Okay ! I will send the ISK to you and i am going to send the Account by Mail ! o7

ISK and Account Sended ! o7

Isk received, character transfered. Thank you!


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