
SP: 52 Mio
Yearly Remap: 0
Security Status 2.12

Positive wallet balance
No kill rights
Located in Amarr
Jump clones: 4
Char is in npc corp (the site just hasn’t updated that yet)

Sell my all around char for mining (all barges and exumers up to Orca AFK Drone Mining), Resource Processing, Trader and Producer. Also a good Noctis-Pilot to make max isk at missionrunning (special clones to do all this fine)

Fast sale at good offer welcome.


30b isk ready now


Lian lei, i know you pay 35 too? char is online…

sorry i will retract my bid, you have no remaps left :neutral_face:

my bid is still up

Thx 4 your offer, my target is 35b, and I think the char is worth every penny of it :slight_smile:

Yes but that char dont have remap avilable, i need to w8 11months for one

Okok, 4 me this remap was perfect, 4 the next owner it can be a little handycap…

32,5b and we have a fast deal

Sry mate my max is 30bil… If u want we can start transfer now…

Ok, do it, char is online

Ok will send isk and acc info

Isk and acc info sent to rootls

isk and acc info done, i start transfer. Thx

Ty, if u can pls make screanshot for transfer starting

ok i recived mail…

I bought char with 52,422,759 SP

I have a screenshot of the transfer payment fee, should problems arise, which I dont think …

ok ty fo bussnes

…and you can rest assured I’m not starting to extract the sp ^^