Six months ago the Federation was engulfed in jubilation celebrating itself as a beacon of democracy, diversity and human rights. Earlier this month we saw what that meant with the Federation’s sudden invasion of Intaki and surrounding systems violating the CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act. Behind the poised demeanor President Aguard likes to present lies a complete disregard for the law the moment opportunity presents itself. This naked aggression proves once again the designs of the Federation. Due to their militia forces’ complete failure, their navy had to step in and prop them up.
Six months ago I also made a declaration on behalf of the Solid State, a movement designed to build upon the relationship between the Caldari State and the Intaki Syndicate in cooperation with the Intaki in Placid. Caldari Militia forces had secured Intaki and the surrounding systems establishing relative peace. Despite the Federation’s actions which have destroyed this peace, I want to reaffirm our movement’s firm intent to maintain our ties between the State and the Syndicate. We applaud Chairman Akimaka Saraki’s swift movement to solidify this tie and encourage him and the people around him to continue in this direction. It shows clearly how the State operates. While the Federation takes through force, we establish through agreements. This security agreement will give us the platform from which we can retaliate strike for strike against any further expansionism by the Agaurd government.
The Solid State continues to rise. Resistance on Intaki is being supplied by our operatives. The continued resistence there is strong, motivated and has deep support among the people. State Security and Militia forces are running joint training operations with ISP. Our industrial capabilities are being leveraged to help modernize and supply our partners in Syndicate in order to ensure they do not fall prey to the Agaurd government.
The Caldari State was supported by the Intaki people in its independence from the Federation and now the Caldari state will support the Intaki people in maintaining their own independence from that very same entity.
Evelyn Arnoux brought to light an insightful point regarding the Federation’s methods. The Intaki people are the greatest threat to Federation stability. It was the Intaki that facilitated and even advised the Caldari how to best resist the Federation. As Evelyn points out, it seem we Intaki are still too cohesive as a people rendering us too immalleable for every Federation design. Their tools range from harsh measures like exile, to passive aggressive policies stripping us of our protective measures. All the while they act as if they are simply a beleaguered adult dealing with a fussy child. When Intaki found security through security agreements with Ishukone and other Caldari entities, a level of stability was established and that just did not sit well with Federal forces.
Is the issue ethnic Gallente nationalism as Evelyn states? Not exactly. You see in some ways ethnic Gallente are one of the biggest victims of the Federation’s system. Let me ask, what even is a Gallentean? Can we ask that anymore? The identity of these people, noble and proud in the past, has become a phrase to mean anything for anyone, thus it means nothing to everyone. The Ni-Kunni tradesman, the Sebiestor technician, all can be Gallente. The loss of all these identities into a meaningless category robs all those involved of their past and their future. So “Gallente” just means a piece of paper of someone that consumes products and votes as corporate money influences one to vote. “I consume and I vote because that’s what freedom and democracy means. Diversity of all fitting into one.”
The result of taking someone’s identity away will invariably breed resentment. And the parasitic corporate class that steers the Federation is perfectly willing to channel that resentment into militaristic outbursts against the Intaki people and those of the Caldari State. The problem is no longer that the corporate class has made the Gallente lineage a meaningless checkbox on a paper. The problem is those Intaki are to devoted to their people. The Gallente becomes a guard dog to the Intaki prisoner not realizing he too is chained to the very same wall. The Gallente thinks, If only those Deteis, Civire and Achura of the Caldari State embraced enough diversity and democracy. The assumption is more freedom must be brought to them. And military industrial corporations in the Federation which fund the politicians that do their bidding, in unison, of course agree.
Industry, business, mercantilism, all these things must be done for a meaningful purpose, not simply to perpetuate themselves. What will that purpose be? Some vague ideal? A farce election process? As Chairman Akimaka Saraki stated, our first priority is to honor and preserve our families. This is done through our corporations and our state. These things exist as tools to preserve family. These tools are not the purpose, but the tools which when properly used, fulfill our purpose which is the well being of our people.
It is this similar understanding both in the Caldari State but also in the Intaki Syndicate, that our relationship will continue to grow. The aggressive nature of the Federation will continue to show itself only to be struck down through just retaliation. Chairman Akimaka Saraki is fully supported by the Solid State and will continue to uphold the principles of our people regardless of any dangers.