Solo miners, are you making a loss when you factor in electricity usage?

Lol. I won the internet. Gix accused me of lying…and I came right back with a pic proving he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

At which point, you guys are SO boring I simply can’t be bothered wasting my time on you.

Have a nice day. Don’t forget the tinfoil hat if you go out.

Oh thank god at last

Use the time to read up on how D-Scan works


These threads about mining vs ganking always degenerate into endlessly circular and comically shrill arguments that nobody “wins.” Because I have no time or energy for drama, I just avoid the whole issue. When one of my corp mates says there are baddies in a nearby system, I just log off and go read a book, or wash dishes, or take a nap. Problem solved. As I have said before, New Eden is a sandbox that has room for all styles of play. So, for those who want to wait around all day for easy targets–whatever turns you on.

Did they? I thought that sounded like kind of a cool idea.

@Cilla_Cybin You are obviously quite clever, you should make a huge amount of isk playing the Hypernet.
Liquidate into ISK everything you have - note it all as you will be rebuying it all soon - and take the isk and buy nodes on big ticket item(s) on the hypernet such as a carrier(s), jump freighter(s), Large Skill Injector(s) or the like.
You’ll win because you had a bunch of the nodes on that hypernode auction.
Take those winnings and do the same thing on several other hypernet auctions.
After the hypernet wins you have just done making yourself a very large profit, re-buy all your stuff you sold to get the huge isk-making process going.
After you have got your stuff back is where being a smart player like you comes in.
Take the portion of isk remaining (it will be quite large by then) and begin buying nodes on medium-to-largish hypernet auctions. A clever player such as yourself should be able to pick the decent ones and make a very nice profit indeed.
Not sure why CCP hasn’t closed this loophole to riches yet, but you might want to get on it before they do.
Don’t forget it was me who let you in on this secret when you get wealthy. ok? If you wanted to slip me some isk after you get rich I wouldn’t say no.

Good job just giving away our secrets like that, you asshole. Have fun getting banned from the Bilderberg channel.

I know we’re not supposed to reveal such secrets - but I really feel this one is worthy and could do well.

Clever enough to know that just ‘making ISK’ is a futile activity in a place where the real currency is DPS.

In this case the catalyst is perfectly safe. The only people threatening to do something about it never log into the game. Though if I read his posts right, DC goes as far as the log in screen every day to collect all that sweet, sweet loot.

A good first step, but a hard place to gank from.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

I’ll log into the game when I collect enough free SP to not be gank bait for old whale P2W griefer vets.

But the P2W griefers are getting free SP, too. You can never catch up!

wtf ccp dis game sux

Cept I haven’t found hide nor hair of that cata yet. So yea, I’m gonna say you staged it with an alt :smiley:

This is not a bug it is intended behavior:

If someone disconnects or logs out in space without safe logging then their ship will be in space for a time even though they are logged out. If they have a timer it can even be longer. So they won’t show up in local because they are logged out but you can probe them down and kill them because they are in space while the timer ticks down.


Lol. That’s what I love about Eve. ‘Experts’ who could turn making toast into a university degree.

Watch out for those chemtrails on the way through Jita. Apparently they can melt even the toughest tinfoil hat.

@Cilla_Cybin - How do you feel about people pretending to be new Eve players?

That you need to have a word with Safety. and stop them ganking the supply of cheap tinfoil hats from Jita.

But if you insist on the nonsense…yeah…I’m quite happy to be ‘the return of Khan’ or whoever. Makes me feel quite complimented, actually.

Welp, still haven’t found her. And you claim she is a regular in that system. You also apparently don’t play much on this alt either :smiley:

Seriously ? You went all the way to Mirilene and looked round all 15 asteroid belts just because you are too proud to admit you were wrong ?

I’m not sure if I am allowed to give the lady’s name here. But I’m not sure it would make any difference anyway to the conspiratorial mindset. Please tell me this isn’t how I’ll end up after 15 years in Eve.

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Yep. Still there too :smiley:

It isn’t pride. Its content :smiley: You’ve caught my interest and I was bored. Drop the name. Assuming she exists of course.

Of course you haven’t undocked from Vitt for a while either huh? Its almost like you’re an alt…

And considering I was on quite a bit this weekend, its interesting that I never saw you or that you’ve consistently stayed in the same station. No worries tho. I’m sure we’ll run into each other :smiley:

Gal space is always nice this time of year.