Solution to reduce highsec ganking

If what you say is true then Earth would be quite a different place. Ford and GM would blow up each other’s factories with approval from the government. But that’s not the way things work. If they did then a country like Russia would take advantage of the chaos and invade the U.S. or the Amarr would take over Minmatar space.

Its also quite likely that saboteurs would be injected to ensure the destruction reached a peak just before invasion. There is simply no way there would be four competing empires in such close proximity operating with such a complete loony tunes set of rules.

And they sure as hell would not allow known gankers to go around blowing up random ships either. They would never make it through the gate by themselves or with a small gang. They would get podded every attempt.

The above reality being the standard upon which most people base their thinking is why its so hard for them to adjust to the EVE world.

It’s true in EVE. Remember that EVE is supposed to be a dystopia, not a reflection of modern US moral values.

If they did then a country like Russia would take advantage of the chaos and invade the U.S. or the Amarr would take over Minmatar space.

At which point CONCORD crushes the invasion. Remember that the NPC empires in EVE exist in a state of permanent equilibrium enforced by CONCORD, any attempt to interfere in another faction’s designated systems would be a breach of the CONCORD treaty and grounds for immediate retaliation by a united force of CONCORD and the other three empires.

By analogy consider MAD in a world of nuclear weapons and nations willing to use them. Russia can not invade to take advantage of Ford and GM having a fight because as soon as they do the rest of the world nukes Russia off the map. Everyone knows this and only gets involved with minor powers that are too weak to resist, much like in the real world the US and Russia never threatened each other directly and fought a bunch of proxy wars using weak countries as a battlefield.

And they sure as hell would not allow known gankers to go around blowing up random ships either.

Why not? It’s the equivalent of a corrupt police department deciding that as long as the rival gangs in the city only shoot each other and not innocent civilians they’re not going to bother interfering. As long as the gankers do not destroy the NPC faction’s assets (and they don’t) why waste the ammunition?

This began with me saying that it makes little sense to have a place called “high security space” that allows any and all war deccing (as per someone else’s suggestion) and I meant little “real world” sense.

If you are going to change this to “Its true in EVE” then the only thing that cannot be true in EVE is that which drives away enough players to kill the game, as nothing can be true in a non-existent game.

We could have that talk through eternity. Not interested.

My point is though that the more this game deviates from people’s real life understanding the harder it is for them to adapt and that has a negative effect on player retention. Which brings us back to Hi-sec ganking. The forum is littered with people failing to understand its being allowed to exist.

Where is Nicolai in our time of need?

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No, it makes perfect sense. It’s high security not absolute security, and even with wars restored to their previous (and far more interesting) state it would still be a higher level of security than anywhere else.

My point is though that the more this game deviates from people’s real life understanding the harder it is for them to adapt and that has a negative effect on player retention.

And? EVE is not a game for everyone. If you can’t grasp basic concepts like “nowhere is 100% safe” then EVE isn’t for you. We don’t need to nerf more PvP to pander to PvE-only players who don’t belong in EVE.

You are one persistent little gad fly. You are trying to take this back to “true in EVE” even after I just told you I was talking about real life.

In real life there is no permitted equivalent to war deccing or random ganking in places people might call “high security”. Okay? Get off my back.

I explained that quite clearly. Your contention that “Eve is not for everyone” is nothing on CCP’s possible concerns about player retention. Its unrelated banter really and not a rebuttal. You seem to just want to be contrarian and to hear you keyboard go clickety clack.

What’s your point? Real life also doesn’t have spaceships or immortal demigods or any of EVE’s various other things. EVE’s version of high security space makes sense in the fictional world of EVE, and it’s obvious enough that anyone smart enough to play EVE at all can understand the concept.

Your contention that “Eve is not for everyone” is nothing on CCP’s possible concerns about player retention.

Of course it is. CCP is smart enough to understand that you can’t make a game that keeps everyone happy and attempting to do so is bad for player retention in the long run. To succeed in the game industry you acknowledge that your game is not for everyone, identify your target market, and maximize retention of those players even at the cost of people who aren’t really suited to your game.

I understand why you think it’s not okay.

The problem is you’re just wrong.


lmfao, because these half baked lazy changes that CCP is throwing around are totally perfect, because CCP is all knowing. Have some more koolaid.

I’ve been more critical of many of these changes than most people.

But your issue is with one of the fundamental tenets of the game itself, not some mechanic change. That’s why you’re wrong. You want the game to be something that it isn’t, never has been, and never should be.


I wonder if any mainstream MMOs have ever attempted to ban multiboxing.

This so much!


No i did not give ganking another name…

PPL are coomplaining about ganking more and more these days…

Well let me tell you buttercup you are going to have to suck it up.
The why, is because of the wardec changes…I can no longer dec undesirables with my dec group…so im going to gank everyone that is not blue with my gank group instead. and that is how it should be, join, die or GTFO out of somewhere when your’e told to.

And someone is only going to tell others that, when they have laid claim to the resources in a particular region.

Now as to your turf argument…pfft, its garbage…caue War Declarations are only carried out in HS, cause you do not need the mechanic anywhere else in the game besides HS.

and 1 more thing… EvE grew more during the 2011-2013 period than after they started messing with ganking and war dec mechanics… things were more interesting, and the only super multiboxers back then were using ISboxer to play, otherwise even back then i had 2 accounts, F-ing 2 and was quite happy that way.

When things started getting changed, ppl left the game starting with hunters, and gankers…followed Isboxers, followed by Awoxers, spies, can flippers, and actual bankers…when destruction went down and prices did too…then miners started dissapearing…ppl like me had to become multiboxers to pick up the slack for mining, ganking, content creation, villiany, and GOD FORBID, being jesus f-ing christ mother with a band aid box and a hug just to keep players in the game.

so ganking…yeah its here to stay, deal with it, STFU. If you want less ganking, then we need reversal of things to use the war mechanic in HS properly again.

ANd before you or anyone goes about blah blah whine whine whine about you cant own something in HS…well you can, you do it like you do anywhere in EvE, at the muzzle end of a blaster, if that means ganking your sorry ass or someone else’s than so be it…Learn to EvE cause that is what means…you dont deserve shite unless you are willing to defend it, and that means sometimes shooting someone first, last, and often till they understand the message.

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Well, since I have had the moderator hammer come down on me for defending myself in kind against people who attacked me first, maybe before my report of you to a moderater gets through you could try and explain why in the hell you directed those insults and ire at me even though I did not complain about ganking nor demand CCP step in to make changes.

I am fine with ganking mechanics, my name is not buttercup, and I am not going to STFU about things I never said in the first place.

My reply to you was merely against your suggestion that you be able to war dec anyone you want. I am sorry you could not handle my polite criticism of your idea. Have fun playing with a moderator if it gets to that.

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Removed some off topic posts. Knock it off. it’s a nebulous concept dependent on the health of the individual title, the author can’t even really nail it down because they aren’t very active in the communities they sampled

That doesn’t answer the question you’re replying to, which is about mainstream MMOs that ban multiboxing.

Hallo allen die hier schon eine weile sind.
Es ist schön das jeder hier Seine Meinung sagen kann.

Meine Frage hier ist Simple, bringt es denn was hier sich zu beschweren oder Alternativen darzulegen für EvE online ? Wurde denn schon einmal was erreicht?

Zum Thema Gankern, Ich bin 2010 in New Eden geboren und Spiele diese Game seither mehr oder weniger aktiv.

Mein Problem Insgesamt ist, das Inhalten im Spiel so gestaltet werden das ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen Ehrfahrende die lange leben und Neulingen entstanden sind.

Es wird dem PVP Piloten viel zu leicht gemacht die PVE Piloten zu schaden, das ist ja mal Fakt.
Sicher gab es Ganking schon immer, aber es nimmt langsam Ausmaße an die jeden Kodex den ich kenne erschüttern.

Auf Grund der Spielmechanik ist es zu 99 Prozent der Fall das ein PVE Fitting nicht gegen ein PVP Fitting bestehen kann wenn man noch den Vollen Damage der NPC´s bekommt.

Desweiteren Frage ich mich wie ein Billiges Schiff mit minderwertigen Waffen ein High End Schiff wofür man Monate bzw Jahre braucht in Sekunden demontieren kann obwohl es eine Polizei gibt.

Es muss mal was passieren denn das Spiel insgesamt hat viel schönes zu bieten aber genießen kann, man es ehr nicht aufgrund vieler Defizite die in dem Kodex der einzelnen Piloten liegt aber auch an der Mechanik im Spiel.

Ich bin Forscher und Händler und PVE Pilot bewege mich in allen drei Sektoren oft.
Sicher gehört auch PVP zum Spiel und das soll auch so sein, ohne diese Sparte wäre es auch doof.

Doch das jeder mit seinen kleinen Accounts oder Durch Unkontrollierte Multiaccounting uns so schaden kann, ist schon erbärmlich.

Es würde schon was bringen wenn das Scannen wieder erschwert werden würde, und In Eskalation oder Missionen nur Flotten Mitglieder einfliegen können.

Das mal von mir an dieser Stelle.
Habe viele Spiel Verbesserungen die ich in den Jahren anbringen könnte aber das ist eben alles nicht so einfach wie es sich ließt zwecks Programmierung usw usw.

Ich danke allen die diesen Beitrag lesen und evtl. auch antworten.

mfg MajorMelcor

For those who don’t want to employ google translate:

A ship fitted to dish out as much damage as possible before concord retaliation hits is able to murder a boat that is expensive, requires a lot of training and fitted to withstand low incoming damage over extended periods of time.
While ganking always existed, a pvp pilot can all too easily kill a pve pilot [these days]. With the rise of CODE., ganking became a widespread issue.

A cheap ship fitted to blast an expensive hull is not desirable and constitutes a fundamental gameplay issue exacerbated by uncontrolled multiboxing and the ability to scan a pve ship despite it being in a mission or escalation, and a proposal is raised to only have fleet members access the mission or escalation instead.

Or in short, premium paper doesn’t survive against scissors, scissors must be nerfed. I did not translate it accurately and omitted some parts.

I don’t share these views, ganking fleets are easy enough to spot and dscan exists.

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I agree, gankers need risk added to their career paths. I have said this many times and the gankers really hate it. CCP should add these changes to the career criminal path.

  1. Jail time attached to their mac address.

  2. Loss of docking rights attached to their mac address.

  3. No gate jumps attached to their mac address.

  4. No tethering with a negative security standing

  5. NPC corps should defend their high standing friends.

The career criminals don’t face any risk at all. The ISK spent on the gank is no different then the ISK spent on ammo. The career criminals should face some sort of punishment that will follow them for a time. Real life would not treat them any kinder than CCP treats them, thats for sure. Lynch mobs would have put an end to that for sure. The career criminal should face the highest risk out of any of the career paths.